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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hidden in house of representatives bill 5351 is continued tax break for citgo (hugo chavez), but a tax hike for US companies.

The tax package (HR 5351), which passed 236-182, repeals subsidies for five major oil and gas companies to offset $13.7 billion of the $18.1 billion in renewable-energy tax breaks contained in the bill.

Meanwhile, Citgo Petroleum Corp. would continue to receive a 6 percent deduction for domestic manufacturing that the largest firms would lose.
Citgo, which refines oil and markets and transports gasoline in the United States, is owned by a subsidiary of the government-owned Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., or PDVSA. Because Citgo does not drill for oil and gas domestically or abroad, it does not fall under the bill’s definition of companies that will lose a major tax break.

The five big companies targeted by the bill — Chevron, BP, ExxonMobil, Shell and ConocoPhillips — all produce and refine oil and sell gasoline in the United States, and therefore under the bill would lose the domestic manufacturing deduction they received as part of a corporate tax law in 2004 (PL 108-357).

GOP lawmakers Wednesday argued that such a policy runs counter to the Democrats’ goals for the bill — to reduce dependence on foreign oil and increase national security — by providing a tax break to a company owned by a country whose head of state just weeks ago threatened to stop oil sales to the United States.

“This bill raises taxes for U.S. oil and gas production . . . while giving more American dollars to a dictator that has threatened to take away U.S. energy supplies,” said Republican Phil English of Pennsylvania.

Republicans can't seem to understand this is the goal.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
as a conservative, pro-lifer, I'm very discouraged. The field is empty as far as I'm concerned.  :(



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
red said:
as a conservative, pro-lifer, I'm very discouraged. The field is empty as far as I'm concerned.  :(

i am a life long democrate....i am for the first time ever taking a "social conservative" prioity on the immagration direction of this country and my support is no longer "on party lines...any more.....problem is all my republician buddis are EXACTULLY like you all...here i am for the first timein my life...actually askin for some direction here.....and they have in common is:....our party really sticks now....i dnot no why....i dont follow rep  politics.....so i bothers me that the rupublicans ( i know and have seen represente dhere) cant even offer ......or even condidering offering an alternative..."plan"....let alone a canadate...then i quess i'll stick with the most organized.....i am a pro lifer....as president i would be a pro choicer......you cant legislate morality.......i know it was a tough one for you ole true conserviatisets to lose...( you remember  ...the book burnin' thing.....when we "kept the right to read what we wanted" part it covered alot more than just books...."human/rights ).yoiu can get an abortion in  any state in the union......why is it an issue at all?      let alone a political party collapse at an electoin time  over it....it dosnt deserve a bit of time even discussing....there are more immediate social needs that need addressed no matter if your a republican or a democtate....no matter if your in a small town or a large city....its the same....we never seem to have the money to do things that are in foront of us all ...becaue were spending money on something else that here ......where the tire meets the road ....we just do not see and understatnd.it....looks like a duck ...walks like a duck.........i'd rather go broke and down in histroy as a generation that went broke trying to provideng medical attention  and health issues and rebuilding inffrastrucures  than one that passes on another a dept to carry in same direction were heading now......democrate or republicina ........good luck...jbarl

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
Abortion is murder.  As the child of a teenage mother, I can say that it would be easy to have your life ended.  If you are uncomfortable watching downer cows moved with a fork lift, I believe an abortion would be disturbing right down to the bottom of your soul.  Banning gay marriage is legislating morality.  That is just one example of legislated morality that I oppose (that surprised most of you, eh).  I think that evangelicals that push morality to be legislated are just shucking their responsibility.  True evangelicals spread the gospel message rather than make political rants under the guise of compassionate conservatism.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
i agrree sru....abortion is murder.....and banning gay marraige is also legislating morality....and we just  have to stop making it a"political" issue of it.....it isnt the democrats that are promoting moral decay.....it is human nature,it  has'nt  changed since the garnden of eden... , the same reason that jesus died for us all....it is a sin.....the president has no more right to tell you to/not to  get an abortion or have a boy/girl friend as a nosey neighbor might try to do....and we all now what stand we take when a nosey neigbor makes a comment on "our life"......we tell tell  to kiss off.....cigarettes/drugs and alcohol kill  people and in turn affect there survivors lives for ever as well....but we simply tax that and  somehow makes it acceptable....and we simply go on...i  ask god for forgivness and direction "frequently".....not my   local political represenitive ( or neighbor)....ever.....we all struggle with our own moral dicissions and the  way of life we choose to live...and thatnk God ( literally) that no mattter what "mistakes" we make along the way...we have a recourse for our moral dicissions....this include the folks who blow up abortin clinics and kill floks as well.....the judgment of our life will be made once....in front of God.....not sitting across the room with a roger clemans in washington dc. and awaiting a subuquent " written " report of moral judgement passed down from politicans....oh the time and money we spend on calling someone a liarer....so what....there life isnt  over.......even in jail ..... and the final judgment rendered in any court is pale in comparrasion to the judgement we should be preparing for "ourselves....its "my" personal relationship with god that i must concentrate on...ther is no "job" or elected office that superceds that ...people are going to read what they want and put into/ and take out of  there bodies what they want ... when and where they decide to....legal or illlegal......the consiquences of "judjement day" is a one on one personal meeting with God in my world....just because the courts have ruled that you can smoke/buy cigarettes or tattaoo up your  body as long as your 18/21 yrs old....dosnt change that fact that what i put in/on  my body isnt a sin just because its deemed "legal" by politicans........wheter im a republican or a democrate dosn't matter.............jbarl


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I worry more about moral decay more than I do war. I just really wonder if in this new generation of children that a child born to married parents w/ siblings that are all full brothers & sisters will be considered a freak.
I'll get off my soapbox for now.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i want to marry my grandmother so it will make asset transfer easy, including social security, even after she dies.

in SF, if you work for the city for 5 years, you get lifetime health care.  problem is, 20% of the budget is health care and they are in the red, so the are cutting health care.

in Santa clara county, they are proposing hiring FIFTY people to drive around looking for people who use their chimmney's on spare the air day, with neighbor call in hot lines.  I erroneously thought this would only be the global warming czar and 4 or 5 other staff members.  now we have to pay lifetime benefits to these people to drive around in their car and come up with something else to do on non-spare the air days.  no wonder they need to raise tax rates to 60% and increase labor supply and basically outllaw asset accumulation and "rich" people.

I wish they could validate their system in a closed system, rather than taxing other systems.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I voted today in Ohio's primary. Hate to say I threw away my vote but I guess it was more of a protest vote. I started off as a Fred Head & he was still on the ballot so I voted for Fred Thompson.
It's going to be interesting on the democrat side. The polls have been all over the place between Clinton & Obama. Ever way it sounds like she's staying in the fight. I just wonder if it get's down to their convention & she is nominated & Obama got the most votes? How will that go over w/ the democratic voters?




Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
no vote is ever wasted except the i didn't vote vote.  be thankful that the option for a write in candidate still exists.  it's basically the only option left, but largely ignored by the populace.  registering third party candidates have higher thresholds than a republican or democrat.  it's basically a one party system.  until america realizes this, there will be less and less freedom, not more.  as soon as a write in candidate wins, that option will probably be immediately legislated against by the repubs and democrats.  it's really quite amazing america thinks they are being served by these subsidy distributing competitors.  the only difference is which groups get their money.  sad.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
Kudos to you for saying who you voted for!  I haven't voted yet, and am not sure who I will vote for.  I also liked Fred Thompson, but more likely to vote for Huckabee, or I might vote for Clinton  ;)  Like all the other republicans around here.



Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I did it I voted for Clinton

I think we at least have a shot at beating her plus I can't wait to see what the Dems do If she does win ohio and Texas.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
only trouble w/ voting Dem if you're a republican is you can't vote for the other candidates. I heard on Limbaugh that there quite a few doing the same.



Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
Good Point
I took that into consideration and luckily we had nothing else on the ballet other than a library issue



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
There must have been a lot of folks with that same mind set, Clinton won in both Texas and Ohio, should make it interesting.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I just hope it doesn't back fire on us. I find that the democrates are so divided down race lines, gender & age. Thought they were the party of all?

McCain sealed the nomination. I still am going to find the conventions interesting. Will the dems follow the popular vote or go w/ the super delegates?

Also how many actually watch the political ads? I find them very interesting. Especially when you can see the big flaws or double meanings in them.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
P-F said:
I did it I voted for Clinton

I think we at least have a shot at beating her plus I can't wait to see what the Dems do If she does win ohio and Texas.
I did as well.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
SRU said:
Abortion is murder.  As the child of a teenage mother, I can say that it would be easy to have your life ended.  If you are uncomfortable watching downer cows moved with a fork lift, I believe an abortion would be disturbing right down to the bottom of your soul.  Banning gay marriage is legislating morality.  That is just one example of legislated morality that I oppose (that surprised most of you, eh).  I think that evangelicals that push morality to be legislated are just shucking their responsibility.  True evangelicals spread the gospel message rather than make political rants under the guise of compassionate conservatism.

Thank you. I know it is not my body. But where do the fathers get a say in the life of that child? I know I don't have to carry it for 9months, but I did have a part in it.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
And in my opinion, the father should have to sign off before a woman can have an abortion, I have never understood that, he should have the same right as the mother, if you don't want to carry his child, don't sleep with him, not rocket science to me.  Something else I don't understand, if you have an auto accident and kill a pregnant woman it's murder, but if you abort that same baby it is a choice, how is that justified?


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
same thing for shooting or killing a pregnant woman, it's 2 counts of murder then. double standards in my opinion. they can't have it both ways.
