Boundary fences with potential to have neighboring bulls against it, I use at least 5-wire barbed with top wire 46-48" and bottom wire 18" off the ground with wires evenly spaced in between. If bulls get to talking trash across it and leaning on it, then a strand of hot wire on top and maybe another in the middle -- still experimenting with this one.
Interior fences are 3-wire high tensile electric with bottom wire at 22" and top wire at 46" and middle wire at 32". My posts are 60 feet apart. These are just for my own pasture rotations with a single herd moving through the pastures and it has worked well so far with just a Parmak 12 solar charger on it. Interior pastures are 40-80 acres. They will run through them if on a stampede, so it is important to avoid that happening. I like these fences because they are quick and fairly cheap to build and with the bottom wire being 22" off the ground the tumble weeds seldom catch on them. They are really stretchy, so if wildlife hit them at speed they seem to just bounce back or through without damage to the fence.
For weaning we started using the nose tabs and then they go to a corral after a week, so we don't pressure a fence with fence line weaning.