Flush of a Lifetime & results merged

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Great news Terry! I hope she gets her fullblood flush that she wants. How many fullbloods have you flushed? I am really excited to see how this goes. I'm sure XXCC will keep us up to date too!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I just got a reply back from Rainy the winner of the flush. she's still planning on it. Hopes to get everything together for sometime in June.

Once again thanks to Cowboy, all those that submitted people, those that offered help & the picker of the winner; Woody!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
The cow that Rainy want's flushed calved. We might have hit a few snags on her part but she'll get her flush whenever she's ready.

Cowboy wants to make this an annual project. Start keeping people in mind when his ready to start it again.



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Hello every one !! I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the winning donor cow -- and we have had some small changes to accomidate the deal.

First, Rainy decided that she truly wanted to do an older cow -- and that particular cow hasn't calved yet -- she is  a fall calver.

That pretty much postones things until at least November -- as she is due later this month. But it is going ot happen, and every one involved is pretty excited.

NOW is the time that every one needs to start thinking about what to do about NEXT years nominations -- yes, I do plan on trying to do this every year if at all possible -- it will all depend on my cash flow and how busy we can stay thruout the year. So, as you go thru the fall and into winter -- get some more ideas as to who may need this to happen for them next year --- and when it is time to send in nominees once again, you will all have yours ready!

I have met some really nice folks thru all of this, and even some of them are and will be new customers as well. WE can never meet too many nice people, that is one of the nice benefits of me doing this, stuck out here at the end of the road means low traffic -- so new aquiantences are few. A really nice side benefit for me!

Take care all -- I will be in touch as soon as I hear more -- but as of now -- things are still going forward and it WILL happen soon this fall!! Thanks again for all the support -- I thanks you all!



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Hey every one -- I finally thepost here on page 23 I think -- and needed to update so you know where this has gone to.

I talked to Rainy last week, her original cow she had planned on flushed calved with some health issues, lost the baby -- so she has switched cows.

The new donor calved with Twins on 9-5, and will be heading this way with one calf on her side nextmonth. Hopefully, Rainy will have eggs in the tank and be set to go well before Christmas. I know it has beena while since we all started this project, and my point was to make sure every one knew it was still going to happen.

Hard to be patient with things like this, but some times we just have to be.

Hopefully, we can get Rainy her flush and then if things go well, we can all get ready to get some more nominations for next years winner!

This is fun stuff, and I am really looking forward to it all!!

Hope every one is doing well, fall is here and it is a beautifull time of year!

Take care and I will try and keep every one updated.
