Food Prices could rise 40 % !!!

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
estspx said:
Capitalism, hard work, freedon, willingness to take risks and innovation have always made the US #1 in the world.  I want to leave my children an opportunity to live the American Dream....  Not a guarantee of the American Dream!


if yoiu want to leave your children an opportunity...your going to be have to be a part of "change" on wall st.....wall street is the cornerstone of capitalism....and the rules being put into place now are to keep wall street from stealing it again....
the rules being implimented today arent to replace walll st, and do away with capitalism....its to keep wall street from giving  our future to the massive gains of a few bankers and lending institution executives.....they stole our money, by the rules of modern day capitalism.....if your not for change.....especially now... then your just status quo....the last 6 years hasnt been a very good example of how great our capitialist society is working doesnt work when crooneism and greed are built into to our modern day capitalistic economic machine........they stole our had to change....dont you think??....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
T-bob said:
It is huh? So why are we losing crop land and pasture land to development?   If were not growing then why all this development on farm land and not just use what we got for housing and building?   And i'm not just saying the U.S. because i'm not. I'm saying it as a whole.  Because i'm pretty sure the U.S. is feeding the world through the government.

in California, we have a mandated growth policy whose goal is to distribute the influx "equally" among all cities.

remember, we have 1 million legal immigrants every year in the US.

to me, it's a little cloudy about production as supposedly the US is a net importer of food.  the food we export is subsidized.  to me, i would rather see incentives set up for philanthropy rather than doing it through the government and the UN to distribute food which is obviously completely corrupt.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.it doesnt work when crooneism and greed are built into to our modern day capitalistic economic machine........they stole our had to change....dont you think??....jbarl

to me, this means bill clinton, janet reno, george bush, barney frank et al all collaborating to get involved in markets which only inflated prices, created lower requirements for loans (mostly clinton on the lower requirements or janet was going to sue banks) and then both banks and borrowers got in a chase similar to musical chairs under bush and both were too stupid and investors were to ignorant to pull their money out. 

probably our biggest problem is that retirements are too overcapitalized in 401's.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
If we are going to use the tax code to provide incentives and disincentives, then there should be a huge tax break for redeveloping urban properties and a substantial tax on taking farm land out of production to grow houses and strip malls.  I don't work in this area, but apparently there are not enough incentives to spend the money to redevelop blighted urban areas, given the sheer number of them around the country.  Anyone work in urban real estate development?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
.it doesnt work when cronyism and greed are built into to our modern day capitalistic economic machine........they stole our had to change....dont you think??....jbarl


probably our biggest problem is that retirements are too overcapitalized in 401's.

just imagine what would have happened to the economy if we had privatized social security then as bush wanted.....or now even as some of the right still advocate?    then they would have gotten the whole enchilada...... jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
just imagine what would have happened to the economy if we had privatized social security then as bush wanted.....or now even as some of the right still advocate?    then they would have gotten the whole enchilada...... jbarl

What?  You think Social Security is a good idea compared to having your money into an account that you can have some say over the investment????  My 401k (like everyone's) has taken a beating over the past few years.  However, I still have money in it.  The date that I get Social Security on the other hand keeps moving back - the worry about if it will even be there when I retire in 20 years still exists - AND it's not optional.  Give me a break.  Social Security doesn't give anyone any security anymore.  It's just plain Social!!!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
forcheyhawk said:
just imagine what would have happened to the economy if we had privatized social security then as bush wanted.....or now even as some of the right still advocate?    then they would have gotten the whole enchilada...... jbarl

What?  You think Social Security is a good idea compared to having your money into an account that you can have some say over the investment????  My 401k (like everyone's) has taken a beating over the past few years.  However, I still have money in it.  The date that I get Social Security on the other hand keeps moving back - the worry about if it will even be there when I retire in 20 years still exists - AND it's not optional.  Give me a break.  Social Security doesn't give anyone any security anymore.  It's just plain Social!!!

i'm saying social security is what we have it or not.....but i'm afraid for the right that most efforts will be to strenghten social security rather than abandon it.....if you know any one who recieves it, and relies on it they dont care whether its called social or security.....
....the generation that is before us are the ones who get to decideif they want social security or not.....its not going to effect those that have already paid in, so what your really asking is for the next generation of amercians to be tready to be totally self suffecient finacially and ready to go on there own when there of retirement age (?)........they are the ones you have to convience ......its going to be tther decision .....cause its there future, and the way the job market is today....not to many of them are even over the first hump yet, and thats find a job for the next 30 years so they can begin there future.........all the older gernerations care about is just getting there share.....if this generation of workers dont think they need it... they can vote in someone who will support there vision of the future....i'm afraid what us old guys think, just dont matter anymore....jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
I'm not proposing that they get rid of social security because for most Americans that was THE retirement plan.  However, we MUST have a better system going forward.  We've proven with Social Security that the Government should not be running retirement accounts.  Personally, it's what has me turned off about the Health Care too.  Years down the road I suspect our children's, children's, children will be talking about Health Care in the same fashion - "All these years we've paid into it and the government couldn't keep their hands out of the money."  It's why the far right is against BIGGER government, but I've yet to see a good argument as to why the far LEFT is for bigger Government.  I guess we are on different sides of the fence on this and many issues. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
just imagine what would have happened to the economy if we had privatized social security then as bush wanted.....or now even as some of the right still advocate?    then they would have gotten the whole enchilada...... jbarl

bush wanted 5% of it privatized with strict rules the democrats would have probably undone just like the housing bubble and it would have stimulated the economy because it would have made available investment dollars.

heaven forbid anyone actually making a decision for themselves.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
;D  Yep that's my point too.  I can't believe anyone would make an argument that they don't want to invest their own money and would rather the Govt. invest it.  If the Government knew anything about investing and protecting our funds, we wouldn't have to move the date that someone can retire on Social Security back and we certainly wouldn't be questioning whether Social Security will still be an option for those that retire 20 years from now.

Again I challenge anyone on this board to make a GOOD argument for BIGGER government.  Government has it's place, but it has no place in retirement funds and health care to name a few.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
forcheyhawk said:
Again I challenge anyone on this board to make a GOOD argument for BIGGER government.  Government has it's place, but it has no place in retirement funds and health care to name a few.

the gulf of mexico refief /wall street relief / illegal immigration relief / health care relief /....or at least those are things that everyone has been screaming for the governement to get bigger on , just hear of late.....

at some point in our history social security was needed and screamed for by americans for the governement to "get bigger" on as well.....and they did...cant undo the past.....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
if there was no limits on compensation for an oil spill, insurers would put more restrictions on oil companies.  same for a variety of other industries.  i think the cap for a spill is 75 million.

the government took away 20% down on housing and threatened to sue if you didn't loan to someone who couldn't afford a house.

the government allowed waivers to hire illegals in the trillion dollar stimulus package.  the government under any administration refuses to enforce the law and stupid americans hire gardeners that are illegal.  basically, the american people can solve this problem without the US government, but they were taught you can get something for nothing the last 40 years.

health care relief.  higher deductibles and health savings accounts and an equal deduction for individual private insurance equal to a company, or just get rid of preferences. 

preferences by DEFAULT is the problem.  eliminate them and you will need less regulation freeing more capital to hire people.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
they were taught you can get something for nothing the last 40 years.

eliminate them and you will need less regulation freeing more capital to hire people.

who are "they" and  "them"  ??
less regulation definetly frees up more capital, but the dream is that they will hire more poeple./....
.why hire more of more of "them," when your makin' money already ??
you make corporate america  sound so kind and soothing.......
which corporations need the most regualtion easements and how many jobs do you think it would create?./..


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
Food prices could go down in relation to gold and silver. The dollar is going to crash. Both democrats and republicans have sold us out.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
who are "they" and  "them"  ?? they are kids in school.  them are the preferences, ie discrimination, subsidies etc.

which corporations need the most regualtion easements and how many jobs do you think it would create?./..

small ones who are unable to write regulations such as kevin costner's.  oh, about 10 million.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
here is some job killing union activity.

course nothing is proven yet if the people with the bats were union and of course the union is serious about an investigation.

can't wait for the cell phone pics.

and there is more.

the Teamsters, in order to settle the charges filed with the National Labor Relations Board were required to post this four-page notice at their union halls stating that they would not engage in the violent acts described, which included:
WE WILL NOT brandish or carry any weapon of any kind, including, but not limited to, guns, knives, slingshots, rocks, ball bearings, liquid-filled balloons or other projectiles, sledge hammers, bricks, sticks, or two by fours….
WE WILL NOT use or threaten to use a weapon of any kind, including but not limited to guns, knives, slingshots, rocks, ball bearings, liquid-filled balloons or other projectiles, picket signs, sticks, sledge hammers, bricks, hot coffee, bottles, two by fours, lit cigarettes, eggs, or bags or balloons filled with excrement ….
WE WILL NOT damage, threaten to damage or attempt to damage any vehicle or equipment owned or operated by Overnite, its employees or security guards, by any means or manner, including but not limited by slingshots, rocks, ball bearings, liquid-filled balloons or other projectiles, knives, picket signs, sticks, sledge hammers, bricks, bottles, two by fours, eggs, or paint, or by tearing off mirrors, windshield wipers or antennas, or breaking windows.
WE WILL NOT disable or attempt to disable vehicles owned or operated by Ovemite, by any means or manner, including but not limited to disconnecting or otherwise severing air brake lines, padlocking doors, spraying substances in or otherwise jamming locks, stealing keys, puncturing radiators, cutting hoses or door cables, flattening tires or throwing, placing or otherwise spreading any nails, screws, star nails, jack rocks or similar devices capable of puncturing tires on any road surface.

In another example (explained on this video), union thugs smashed a windshield, stabbed a man in the neck and threw hot cups of coffee in faces—all because the victims were working non-union.

i removed the video link as there was some strong language on it with characters substituted.

course every group has people who tarnish reputations, so it's not a wide brush.  just actual evidence of a couple of incidents.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
who are "they" and  "them"  ?? they are kids in school.  them are the preferences, ie discrimination, subsidies etc.

which corporations need the most regualtion easements and how many jobs do you think it would create?./..

small ones who are unable to write regulations such as kevin costner's.  oh, about 10 million.

have the kids figure out how to treat "new and smaller" coprortations different than "big, old" corporations and you've  got it made...i'm sure the idea of ten million jobs will surley get someones attention....and i'm sure the youinger generation is all for that, and will vote as a group to see that there future is secured...
looks like the new job market is going to be cleaning up the eco and civilian  messes that old corporations have created....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
and i'm sure the youinger generation is all for that, and will vote as a group to see that there future is secured...jbarl

people who don't pay taxes have voted for their security at the expense of others.  there is nothing like too much security to take out risk and innovation.

interesting that even the granting government understands this as they award competitive grants as they know all to well if there isn't competition and too much security of funding, little happens.  look at the history of the human genome project.  i was directly involved in it both privately and publicly for about 15 years and witnessed competition that help spur on everyone.  without competition, things would have been a little different with a lot less quality and verification of accuracy.  the accuracy and clone ID of projects like this in general without cross checking is amazing.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
and i'm sure the youinger generation is all for that, and will vote as a group to see that there future is secured...jbarl

 there is nothing like too much security to take out risk and innovation.

isnt it the same when you rely on  "corporations" to supply all the good paying jobs with benifits and job security to carry you and your family 30 years of employment with enough pay to let you set youself up for a comfortable retirement??....i'm afraid they could care less about there "employees" future....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
isnt it the same when you rely on  "corporations" to supply all the good paying jobs with benifits and job security to carry you and your family 30 years of employment with enough pay to let you set youself up for a comfortable retirement??....i'm afraid they could care less about there "employees" future....jbarl

which is EXACTLY why i want less regulation as most regulation is written by large corporations to the disadvantage of small business and especially entering a market.

corporations care about their employees only as required as long as there is competition for workers.  when there isn't competition for workers is when you start having problems and the incentive for unionization, which is ok, it's just when unions start getting discriminatory advantage is when i have a problem with them.