Full Blood Maine Weekly Update

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Why not just use holsteins. 

Plenty of flat muscled maines.

Not so many easy fleshing.

I'm always leery of easy fleshing cattle as ive seen too many easy fleshing cows that cant milk. Gotta be careful there.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
If I could find some that only milked about 4 gallons a day in a 1300lb package, I'd be all over them.

I think you're spot on w/ the milk though.

To me it's a type issue. People try to change the type in order to match certain environments. IMO, ideal (type) is ideal (type).  Cattle just need to be scaled either up or down in terms of size to match their environment. I love the phenotype of a dry Holstein cow.  The problem is just that most are too big and milk too much. Scale em down and moderate the milk. Leave the type alone.  Inject the muscle from the sire side through one of the coarser muscled Maine bulls here. Specialize.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maine way sale results.  first number is sale order.  second number is lot number from catalog

2 12 RAPID CREEKS MISS 504Y 1 Cow $3,400.00 On Site Buyer
3 3 RAPID CREEKS MISS 102W 1 Cow $2,100.00 On Site Buyer
4 31 ZMA MISS WIT 115W 1 Cow $3,200.00 On Site Buyer
6 5 RAPID CREEKS MISS 2X 1 Cow $2,000.00 On Site Buyer
7 30 ZMA MISS WILDFIRE 37W 1 Cow $3,700.00 On Site Buyer
8 17 RAPID CREEKS MISS 581Z 1 Bred Hfr $3,000.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
9 47 WILDBERRYS ZENAIDA 97Z 1 Bred Hfr $3,000.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
10 48 WILDBERRYS ZIRKA 2Z 1 Bred Hfr $3,100.00 On Site Buyer
11 24 STENBERGS ZOTA 68Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,700.00 allen pitcher -Cardston, AB
12 37 ZMA MISS ROCK STAR 6Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,900.00 On Site Buyer
13 38 ZMA MISS LINDA 23Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
14 22 RAPID CREEKS MISS 538A 1 Hfr Calf $2,400.00 On Site Buyer
15 27 STENBERGS AGGIE 15A 1 Hfr Calf $2,400.00 On Site Buyer
16 40 ZMA MISS 269A 1 Hfr Calf $1,800.00 On Site Buyer
17 19 RAPID CREEKS MISS 400A 1 Hfr Calf $1,400.00 On Site Buyer
18 21 RAPID CREEKS MISS 503A 1 Hfr Calf $2,500.00 On Site Buyer
19 29 STENBERGS ALBERTA 10A 1 Hfr Calf $2,600.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
20 7 RAPID CREEKS MISS 507X 1 Cow $4,300.00 McCormack Family Ranch -Grenfell, SK
21 2 RAPID CREEKS MISS 4W 1 Cow $2,400.00 On Site Buyer
22 6 RAPID CREEKS MISS 102X 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
23 11 RAPID CREEKS MISS 500Y 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
24 10 RAPID CREEKS MISS 576X 1 Cow $2,500.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
25 36 ZMA MISS YOLANDA 57Y 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
26 50 CWC ZOE 96Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
27 42 WILDBERRYS ZURI 71Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,000.00 On Site Buyer
28 46 WILDBERRYS ZITKALA 61Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,500.00 On Site Buyer
29 43 WILDBERRYS ZAYDA 40Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,000.00 allen pitcher -Cardston, AB
30 49 WILDBERRYS ZHIVA 205Z 1 Bred Hfr $3,100.00 On Site Buyer
31 34 ZMA MISS IRISH ZABRINA 38Z 1 Cow $2,700.00 On Site Buyer
32 35 ZMA MISS LITTLE FIRE 87Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,800.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
33 18 RAPID CREEKS MISS 598Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,700.00 On Site Buyer
34 20 RAPID CREEKS MISS 403A 1 Hfr Calf $1,400.00 On Site Buyer
35 39 ZMA MISS 263A 1 Hfr Calf $1,600.00 On Site Buyer
36 41 ZMA MISS 342A 1 Hfr Calf $2,000.00 JBMMaines-Killarney, MB
37 28 STENBERGS ANITA 19A 1 Hfr Calf $2,900.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
38 23 RAPID CREEKS MISS 576A 1 Hfr Calf $1,400.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
39 26 STENBERGS AMY 6A 1 Hfr Calf $2,400.00 Miles Rose -Estevan, SK
40 32 ZMA MISS RED WIT 99X 1 Cow $2,700.00 On Site Buyer
41 33 ZMA MISS IRISH ICE 67Y 1 Cow $2,500.00 On Site Buyer
42 9 RAPID CREEKS MISS 536X 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
43 8 RAPID CREEKS MISS 522X 1 Cow $2,600.00 On Site Buyer
44 13 RAPID CREEKS MISS 510Y 1 Cow $2,000.00 On Site Buyer
45 14 RAPID CREEKS MISS 587Y 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
46 15 RAPID CREEKS MISS 501Z 1 Bred Hfr $1,850.00 On Site Buyer
47 16 RAPID CREEKS MISS 506Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,050.00 On Site Buyer
48 45 WILDBERRYS ZITA 11Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,200.00 Douglas Kerr - Ninette, MB
49 44 WILDBERRYS ZELMA 27Z 1 Bred Hfr $2,200.00 allen pitcher -Cardston, AB
50 25 STENBERGS SKYE 4S 1 Cow $2,400.00 On Site Buyer


Mar 18, 2013
-Thanks Knabe for posting the results for "The Maine Way" sale!

-doc-sun, I like the pictures of Yukon!

-Got a couple pictures of the heifers we showed at farmfair in Edmonton but couldn't figure out how to get them small enough for Steer Planet.  So if anyone wants to take a look they are posted on the home page of our website www.cwccattle.com .  The yearling is a Gee Bar Polled Super Dude daughter ( http://abri.une.edu.au/online/cgi-bin/i4.dll?1=20352036&2=2420&3=56&5=2B3C2B3C3A&6=59245C5A5826252224&9=5E525059 ) and the calf is a Dabla daughter and probably the widest heifer I've ever raised
( http://abri.une.edu.au/online/cgi-bin/i4.dll?1=20352036&2=2420&3=56&5=2B3C2B3C3A&6=59245C5A5825232520&9=5E525058 )


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
found a french document on line that mentions two durham bulls being imported to france, one called Paulinius, born in England in 1839, and in 1842, Pandarus


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

the translation of the montage of pics from...
Montage présentant une vache Mancelle (1856, en haut au centre), entourée de plusieurs photos montrant des vaches bretonnes de type « Mancelle occidentale ». On notera la grande similitude de l’ensemble des animaux entre eux et avec la Mancelle du XIXe siècle.

Mancelle assembly having a cow (1856 , top center ) , surrounded by several photos showing Breton cows type "Western Mancelle ." Note the similarity of all animals between themselves and with the Mancelle nineteenth century.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
excerpt from cattle and dairy farming, 1887.  a pretty neat book.  look around at the other books.  pretty cool.


TheraceMancelleisdestinedtodisappear. Thepurebreedisonly found among some poor farmers, and then of an inferior tyi)e. It is difficult to study the pure breed, and scarcely interesting: or instruct- ive. I have succeeded in oljtaining a cut of this race. Although cai)a- bleofwork,theyareratherclassedasordinaryworkers. TheNorman graziers said that they often turned them into their pastures long- after the others, but they were the soonest fitted for the market of the capi- tal.
A short cut was discovered to utilize this race by develoi)ing it and at the same time exterminating it, or rather substituting for it a su- perior breed.
The early attempts to intioduce the Durham blood to ameliorate this race were so successful, and the transiormation so great, that it may be considered as a great stride in advancing the value of l-'rench cattle. The "Durham-Manceaux," as this br^cd is termed, has increased the ])recocity and projjcnsity tor fattening to a degree (as claimed by nian\ ) ofsuperioritytoallothercattleofnativeorcrossedbreeds. Llowexcr this may be, from the study at' these animals, which were very numc!- ous at the recent annual exhibition of animals for the butchery, as well as among the most successful breeders and fatteners of cattle, the iusion of these two bloods has })roduced exceilent results, such as increased
l)recocity. lighter bones, more developed fleshy parts, fuller chest, while diminishing the belly and rendering the ribs more cylindrical ; the neck be(toines shortened and the head liner. The Durham l)looil can also be successfully renewed in the Durham-Manceaux, and with such happy results an(l direct ])roof as the list of prizes taken by these cattle for many years attest.
The returns of net meat from the I)urha:ii-Manceaux is large, vary- ing from 05 to 72 [)er cent., weight from L',1()0 to 2,400 pounds, at three years, ten months of age.  The Durham-Manceaux must be considered one of the most valuable breeds which France possesses for food.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
old book i just purchased for delivery in a couple weeks.  i think it was published in 1968. it is in french.

i have no idea who the bull is on the cover. i like him.  too bad they don't look like that today in france.

i will obviously post a better picture when i get it.


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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Amazing research (clapping) <party>  Its also sad that the cattle appear to be changing into a dairy breed:eek:r are these piecy spider legged monsters.What happened to them? I remember you posted early(1930s) pictures of maines and they were really impressive thick cattle,and also appeared sound. Which was a huge transformation from the earliest pictures shown here from 1909.As were the ones exported in the 70s. O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
one has to remember in france in the late 1800-early 1900's, there was no feed in france and there was a lot of share cropping.  the sharecrop owners eventually formed breed societies, which i think there were 70 that formed maine-anjou. what i think happened is that during this time, maine's had the ability for either the largest compensatory gain of all the breeds and/or coupled with hybrid vigor from the infusion of the durham's that these cattle excelled compared to other cattle available to french breeders with respect to "last on pasture and first off pasture" fattening.  this was probably a much different environment/management than in britain and probably has something to say about their economic systems.  many "breeds", probably strains, disappeared fairly rapidly in europe, with many differences merely pigmentation color and or persistent pattern.  the piebold pattern that was developed in early domestication by various populations of humans, essentially creating land races due to terrain barriers, ie mountains.  i have never seen a picture of a roan fullblood, but have herd the odd comment here and there that there were some.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Merry Christmas from all the Fullblood Maines at Hermosa Cattle Co. Yukon will see you in Denver at the Bright Lights.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
1927, 28, 29 show winner somewhere, Vorace

from the book La Race, Maine-anjou by Jacques Abafour, 1929.  the copy i got for christmas was signed.  kinda neat.  probably about 10-12 photographs.


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    vorace 1927 maine anjou cow.jpg
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