Goverment Reality !! N/C

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
aj said:
I just want my congressman and woman to quit spending.
govenoer christie is doing that ( at the sate level) right now.....the citezens of new jersey cant aford it.....and so there not going to finish it.....a perfect example of starting at the state vs. the  dc level in applying these new spend cutting techniques the new right is so adament about.....the results of it at the sate level will come alot quicker to the taxpayers of new jersey, than anything washington can do in 90 days.... ....thats for sure..
its a big hit for  unemployment to the sate, but what the least the budget will be balanced.....california is right around the corner from having a new right govenor are other usually blue sates...i think the new right govenors results will hit the pockets of there citizens quicker than any senate victory......not sure what californias deficit is??.....i'm sure someone does ....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
aj said:
I just want my congressman and woman to quit spending.
govenoer christie is doing that ( at the sate level) right now.....the citezens of new jersey cant aford it.....and so there not going to finish it.....a perfect example of starting at the state vs. the  dc level in applying these new spend cutting techniques the new right is so adament about.....the results of it at the sate level will come alot quicker to the taxpayers of new jersey, than anything washington can do in 90 days.... ....thats for sure..
its a big hit for  unemployment to the sate especially unions, but what the least the budget will be balanced.....california is right around the corner from having a new right govenor are other usually blue sates...i think the new right govenors results will hit the pockets of there citizens quicker than any senate victory......not sure what californias deficit is?? over 20billion/year and an unfunded deficit of way more and we are going to vote for more.  companies are lining up to leave the state as we bring in more welfare (25% of nations welfare), more illegals, more regulation.  i guess everyone else should pay for our debt.  the budget has 50-350 billion in unfunded liability depending on how you count thanks to the ponzi scheme of union benefits.  no elected official will negotiate on behalf the taxpaying citizens, and yes, NO government employee pays taxes as their entire salary and benefits are paid for with taxpayer money. ....i'm sure someone does ....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
on the other hand, here's another way to look at it.

Californians get back about 78¢ for every dollar collected here by the Feds That means for the $313 billion  per year Californians pay the Federal government the Feds put back around $224 billion  in services and payments.  Which leaves California with that magic $70 billion deficit vis-à-vis  D.C.

what if we sent a lot less to washington and elect senators who would do that?  won't happen as all of them know all they have to do is print money.  amazing how public can't figure this stuff out.  it's going to get worse.  there is little evidence otherwise.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
on the other hand, here's another way to look at it.

what if we sent a lot less to washington (....should have done that with bushs in office for 12 years...why expect it now? and why wasnt everyone harping like they are now /color]and elect senators who would do that? how longs that going to take at the national level??....been waitn' 20 years now??  won't happen as all of them know all they have to do is print money. seems easier to do than create jobs ( governement or union any way amazing how public can't figure this stuff out. the public watches to much tv to figure it out it's going to get worse. yes it is ...tea party politicans or not there is little evidence otherwise.however fox news would like for everyone to think its just one election day ayay....just wait till  people find out who and what they really are.....(senators and congressman any way)..and see how the legislative process  really starts to speed things along and start abolishing  health care/ do away with social security/ medicare/ legalize illegal workers/impeach obama/ outlaw unions and lower the minimum know...." get our country back"  a sister sara says ... .... .....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
the broken record would quit playing if the right would have practiced what they preached when there were running the show....falied bailouts and defict spending are the norm for the bushs....its like the damage they have done is just excused and all that is left is blame on the dems??.....if the deficit is so bad ....dont start wars....youve got to pay your feed bill before you  pay your entry fee.......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
the broken record would quit playing no it won't if the right but never the left?  typical, proves the point would have practiced what they preached when there were running the show....falied bailouts and defict spending are the norm for the bushs..and always the left, remember, the repub congress gave clinton his budget..its like the damage they have done is just excused and all that is left is blame on the dems, you refuse to blame the left for anything broken record??.....if the deficit is so bad ....dont start wars why not just leave?....youve got to pay your feed bill before you  pay your entry fee, which means pay go but the dems ran up more debt broken record.......jbarl

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I have a dream! I shall not spend nor will I charge new stuff to our kids of the united states of america.Just say no!There you go again.Read my lips.....I am tanned ready and rested!