DL, are you wanting to know my age mentally, physically of chronicalogically? There oftentimes is a big difference. Tonight this difference is signficgant with me, as I just came in from sorting two pastures of cows. It seems that two of my herd bulls decided to go see what the other was doing and as a result two bunches of cows were together and a bunch of fence was destroyed. These two bulls don't even fight, and they are in pastures seperated by about 1/2 mile. They were standing together grazing on the lush grass and looked at me as if they were wondering why I had not thought of putting them together long before now. It was lots of fun though as it was very hot, humid and abolsutely dead still. I couldn't have bought a small breeze if I had wanted too. The mosquitos were out in droves and they were big enough to be breeding the Canada geese. By the time I had finished, I think I had even thought up a few new swear words... and I am usually quit calm, cool and collected in these situations. ( Actually, taking the back window out of thenew crew cab dually with the corner of the gooeneck didn't help my mood very much either... You see I was just coming home from delivering some cows when I saw this mess and I thought it would only take a few minutes to sort it out.) 2 1/2 hours later, I was done... in more ways that one.
Most days my mental age hovers around about 28. Right now my physical age is hovering around about 150. If I had known I was going to live this long I certainly would have taken better care of myself. I struggle with my age as I feel like I am not getting any older.... the body I live in just keeps getting older. That is why I think it is best to just celebrate the anniversary of my 30th birthday. Now if I could just convince everyone else around here of this, I might actually be able to offically quit the birthday thing.
My dad says that my physical age could be compared to putting a Kenworth on a Volkswagon frame. Eventually, something is going to give!! He is probably right about that.
Actually, I think age is something that means different things depending on how you are talking about. I have known lots of people who seem to have been born old. They are boring, dull, little or no sense of ha-ha. I am sure you know some like this as well. Some of these people seem to make breathing look like it is work for them. There just aren't enough government jobs to keep all this group of people employed. Then there are others who are still fun loving and fun to be with when they are in their 80s. They are just as comfortable sitting with a group of teens talking as they are with others their age. My dad is a bit that way. He is now 82... going on 42. It is really annoying( at least to me) when some ask which of us is the oldest. Many people think we are brothers. When he moved to town several years ago he was completley lost. He said he had never been to jail but living in town had to be close to it. I suggested he try getting involved in the senior center activities. He went a couple of times and hasn't been back. He said it was too depressing... all there was there was old people ( most were younger than he was).
So how old am I chronicologically? Well, let's see if you can guess. When I was 13, Decca records turned down signing the Beatles. Moon River won the Grammy for Record of the Year. Probably one of the biggest news events was Marilyn Munroe's death. Tom Cruise was born in this year ( actually I thought he might have hatched under a rock someplace), and Sean Connery landed the role as James Bond. In some ways, I think I am still 13 but I still had hair when I was 13.
By now I am sure you are sitting there shocked that someone my age actually knows how to type. You bet I can! I could probably come close to setting the world record in two finger typing. When I was in high school my teacher would not allow any of the boys in the class take typing. He said that boys would never use it and it was something that only the girls would ever need to know. I wish he was alive for me to torment about this. There, I have given you lots of clues about my age. I am OLD..... REALLY OLD.