Heard a New Gripe About Obama Last Night

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
just trying to get the kids so weak that they can't work on the farm....


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
marku said:
just trying to get the kids so weak that they can't work on the farm....

I think that was what Farmville was for.  Now everyone can farm without doing a single bit of manual labor, and never break a sweat.  (lol)


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2009
Illinois (God's country)
My 17 y.o. senior boy's lunch is at 10:30. He starts school at 7:00 in an "early bird" program and gets out at 2:15. It's a wonder someone doesn't get bit before he gets home to get a snack.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I had to ask my son about his lunches and he still gets fries, and really likes the lunches. Which is no small feat. He is picky. He wants to continue to get them. They have  salad bar which he really likes as he is not a cooked veggie eater. He said most of the kids eat the hot lunches, not sure how many are reduced at this school.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
distribution of taxation


The Reagan years saw the top rate fall from 70 percent in 1980 to 28 percent in 1988. What happened to the rich? The top 1 percent went from shouldering 17.6 percent of the income tax burden in 1981 to paying 27.5 percent of the total in 1988. The top 10 percent saw their share of the burden climb from 48 percent in 1981 to over 57 percent in 1988.

perhaps the "non-rich" should start paying their fair share.  perhaps people should start paying a minimum tax, especially those whose kids get free lunches and free school or, hmmmm, leave.  maybe do a home inspection and check out the vehicle list, tv, cable, cell phone and other expenses before just defaulting to the narrative they don't have any money.  perhaps check their expenses to mcdonalds rather than the grocery store, and even then, check out the expenses.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I don't think anyone is in favor of not providing assistance, including school lunch help, to those who really need it.  The problem is the government and the way they administer the programs.  The use it or lose it, or more precisely, the waste it or get less tomorrow, mentalilty is just one of the issues.  The point of this whole discussion, I believe, is the fact that if government is involved, the program is messed up.  Waste, inefficiency, and downright fraud runs through every government program I can think of.  How anyone can stand behind a podium, read a teleprompter, and tell us we need to pay more taxes when so much money is wasted, stolen, and shipped who knows where with absolutely no accountability, is beyond belief.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The goal is to separate the taxpayer influence of where help should go as well as create an obligate parasite of infrastructure that grows at he expense of the host, the taxpayer.

At some point the host will die and that's the true goal of the progressive movement.

The problem is violence will happen before that happens, hence the need to outlaw guns.

History beats this out over and over.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
I haven't posted on here for A LONG TIME and doubt I will be again anytime soon. It is just like about any other public forum where the more popular it got the more the idiots yelled the loudest or more often to be heard above the crowd...I couldn't pass this one up when I saw someone reference students receiving free or reduced lunches as "damn poors" and the general consensus being that our children should not be given healthy options at school and that people who receive goverment assistance are the downfall of society. DOES ANYONE RECEIVE MORE GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE THAN THE AVERAGE FARMER? Seriously, who gets more government assistance...a family with 2 kids receiving free lunches at school or the average farmer who grows 1000 acres of corn in the US today? I'm not sure of the answer and I don't have any facts ready to shoot back or argue, but it is something to consider. A farm subsidy for a farmer or rancher is no different than a free or reduced lunch for a low income family


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
obie105 said:
I work at a very low income school district.  Over 60% is on free or reduce lunch. Most of these kids need it. School lunch and breakfast isthe only food some of these kids get. IMO school lunch is not the problem of childhood obesity its lack of physical activity and laziness. Video games and computers are the root cause. My parents never let me have a video game and when my kids are old enough I really don't think I will let them have one either. There are plenty of games outside to play and imagination to use. All of the athletes also need the calories. This has to be addressed.
The school my kids attend is the same, only we are at about 80% free or reduced lunch. Our county even has a "back pack" program where identified kids take a backpack home over the weekend full of food, and bring it back on Monday to be refilled for the following weekend. Our cattle men's group helps to donate to this. Some kids this is all they get.
At our house, we have no cable or satellite tv, no games, and maybe once every few weeks we get to watch a movie. My kids play outside most of the time, or are caring for their heifers. We MIGHT eat out once every other month! It is just too expensive and unhealthy to eat out. My kids rave about our home cooked meals, and when my oldest is gone for several days (FFA contests), she begs for home cooked food.
None of my kids are obese, but they eat good portions. They work it off cutting and stacking wood, mowing, cleaning cattle pens, and just general farm work. We love our life  <rock>


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Throttle said:
A farm subsidy for a farmer or rancher is no different than a free or reduced lunch for a low income family

yup.  subsidies (tax break, mandates for use, whatever one disguises it with) to anyone anywhere.  all the same.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The farmer subsidies as such has been declining. I have been told the only way the subsidies are passed is because they are piggie backed on the food stamp program or whatever they call it.


Active member
Jan 31, 2011
EWG Farm Subsidy Database. You can see what you have received over the years, and what everyone else has received also...


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Some of the school lunch stories I've read and heard lately have been a little hard to believe, frankly.  Our kids are all out of school, so maybe I haven't paid as much attention as I should have.  So, I  talked to our kids, and the grandchildren, and many friends and business associates about this issue.  What I've learned has been beyond belief.  I've learned that the "veggie" days include salad, vegetables, and fruit.  That's all.  You get so much you can't eat it all.  By 2:00, or earlier, though, the kids are starving.  The athletes get home and can't wait for supper.  They have to have something to eat immediately.  Many parents I talked to reported their kids are losing weight.  Most of them are thin already.  When they have "normal" food, the portions are so small.  One parent told me his son eats two meals just so he can get enough food.  Last week they had hot dogs.  His two meals added up to 1 hot dog and a handful of fries.  Our local school does not allow ketchup.  Too much salt, I guess.  Many of the kids bring their own lunch.  One parent told me their daughter took a Lunchable to school and the lunch police took the little candy bar out of it so she couldn't eat it.  When I was in school, the fruit was in a big container and the cooks put a spoonful in the little compartment on your plate.  No more.  Now, you get your fruit in a hermetically sealed, individually wrapped plastic one size fits all container.  I've seen third graders.  They come in different sizes!  Just when I think I've reached the boiling point, I learn more.  Check out today's Fox News website.  It just so happens one of the feature articles is "Eat Like the President."  Check it out.  The First Couples favorite eateries are highlighted as well as what they order.  Cafe #1:  Cheeseburgers with the works.  Cafe #2:  Corn and crab chowder, fried oysters, lobster tail, and pork chops.  Cafe #3:  Barbeque ribs.  All you kids, eat your spinach while I  have a pork chop or cheeseburger.  YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE KETCHUP OR CHEESE AT OUR SCHOOL!  But, the first couple can eat all the cheeseburgers with the works they want at our expense.  I suppose when entertaining foreign dignataries, everyone gets their own individually wrapped little fruit cup.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
There's more.  I just got off the phone with my daughter (she works at the school).  The temperature in the building this morning was 58 degrees, the warmest of the week.  She said they have not had heat yet this year.  The boiler has to be inspected each year before they can turn it on and the inspectors won't be there until October 18.  Monday morning, the temperature in the building was so low it did not register on the thermometer.  It only goes down to 56.  The third grade teacher sent an e-mail Monday directing the kids to wear their winter coats to school because they did not have heat.  The superintendent sent an e-mail saying they did not expect it to get so cold this early.  WHAT?  This is Iowa.  Our granddaughter wears three shirts and two pairs of pants, and gloves.  The high school students wear blankets to class.  We found out 18 months ago that our school had not had a balanced budget for 6 years.  They couldn't account for where the money had gone.  The state sent in an interim superintendent, he's still here, to help us out.  The state sent in auditors.  They can't account for the money, either.  Our school board approved construction of 2 new buildings in the past 4 years in spite of the fact our enrollment has declined over 25% in the past 10 years.  By the way, numerous attempts at bond issues all failed.  The school board took it upon themselves to use some special tax money for the projects.  They discovered last spring that they miscalculated the cost of one of the buildings by $600,000.  They increased our tax rate 18% to pay for it.