After the calves were fed and turned out, after football practice, and as we were finishing up dinner, I heard my 8th grader ask my wife if he could start taking his lunch to school. She asks him why - has the food gotten bad? Well, Conner began to outline his complaints. Keep in mind this is a rapidly growing 13 year old boy who plays football, is about 5-8", 170 lbs and is eating us out of house and home.
1. He has the last lunch period - some of the items are sold out.
2. But most importantly - the school has had to get rid of some items from the menu. The tipping point yesterday was that instead of french fries with his hamburger they gave him carrot sticks. My son is the next thing to a carnivore - he doesn't do vegetables. When he complained to the lunch ladies, they apparently told him the menus had changed because "Mrs. Obama changed the school lunch menus." He came home infuriated and wanted to know "Why do schools have to do what Mrs. Obama says - we didn't elect her!"
I almost fell out of my chair laughing. You can get by with a lot as a politician, but you are messing the fabric of America if you replace french fries with carrot sticks.
1. He has the last lunch period - some of the items are sold out.
2. But most importantly - the school has had to get rid of some items from the menu. The tipping point yesterday was that instead of french fries with his hamburger they gave him carrot sticks. My son is the next thing to a carnivore - he doesn't do vegetables. When he complained to the lunch ladies, they apparently told him the menus had changed because "Mrs. Obama changed the school lunch menus." He came home infuriated and wanted to know "Why do schools have to do what Mrs. Obama says - we didn't elect her!"
I almost fell out of my chair laughing. You can get by with a lot as a politician, but you are messing the fabric of America if you replace french fries with carrot sticks.