if a bovine died in the woods and no one shot the "baited", was the baited, baited?
to me, this is similar to the horse slaughter in that a viable solution is eliminated by people who will never own a horse.
in california, there is pending legislation that you will not be able to purchase more than 200 rounds of handgun ammo per day. supposedly, the limit applies that if you purchased the ammo out of state and brought it in, the level 3 felony still applies. supposedly, the governor is considering signing it. dont' know if this applies to reloading supplies, or if this would violate federal authority to regulate interstate commerce.
on all three fronts, these choices eliminate choice and diversity.
amazing how lawmakers make policy based on how they can form the law to fit polling data that tug at emotions rather than viable solutions that may be unpleasant, but useful.
amazing also, how lawmakers continually limit markets to impose homogeneity and eliminate diversity, violating their supposed mantra. this to me clearly demonstrates that people are not really interested in diversity, just control, especially if they are not interested in particular activities.