this probably sounds funny, but one time i took some animals to the vet for work as he was preg checking 100 cows and didn't have time to come see me at my place. after this is over, strike up a relationship and find a vet who is willing to work with your experience and potential cash flow to them. I really like my vet, so i'm not gonna knock vets. what kinda gets my hide is when you call people and they won't call back and say your're too small of a customer, here's someone i recommend who's starting out.
i have had the worst luck with farriers about this till on e moved in next door who's also does body work (on horses). the other thing i've had extremely bad luck with is trying to find a cutting stallion with big feet, and good hocks who will talk to a amateur. so far i have not found one. it seems like all the cutters have doc's hickory feet, except for a couple like peptoboonsmall whose fee is a little outa my league, though he was only a thousand or so when he first went to stud. a lot of these cutters have a weird conformation, straight in the shoulder, front feet behind vertical, butt in the air, long backed, cow hocked, uneven shoulders, uneven where the base of their skull goes into their spine. no breeder calls back when you mention feet. kinda like PHA.