Help for Junior Exhibitors at a County Fair need opinions!

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2009
at our county fair it dont matter your placing or anything you can sell as many as you want of whatever you want for livestock and sometimes i have seen non champions bring alot more than champions for example one year a friend of mine show champion egg production chickens and i placed low but mine sold for 3x as much as the winners and i have also read in some others post that if there are numbers of items sold by one person buyers are lower our sale is huge every year with great bidders


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
Sask, Canada
cowman 52 said:
Only one sale animal per kid unless both are champions-- tends to keep everyone in the game so to speak-- also auctioneer does not let a say 9th place animal bring more than a 1st place-- if someone wants to add on thats up to them but it is done after the sale-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Why wouldn't the auctioneer take a higher bid for a lower placed animal??? Is that not why the sale is called an auction?? First or last we should never know which will bring the most!!!  As far as I know, our 4-H rules only allow the sale of one market animal at the show and sale. We only have steers in the market animal classes but the members can show a breeding heifer, and may bring a continuation 2yr old and 3yr old also.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
We have a premium only sale.  Had trouble with the guy flooring them (now in prison) taking the cattle and money and running, long story.  We allow you to bring all you want to show, but each child is only allowed thru the sale ring once.  We are VERY small on livestock show numbers so this works for us. 

Pure Chaos

Feb 11, 2010
Our kids can only go through the ring once - even if you have more than one champion.  I was reading another post where someone said they had a tiny county with no industry.  We are the 2nd richest county in our state and our sale brings less than what that county does.  Champion steer last year brought $650.  It used to consistently bring $4000-$5000.  That is what bad leadership can do for a county fair.  The buyers do not want to be associated with the fair board so they refuse to come.  It is very sad. 


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
Central Ohio
THANK YOU one and all for your input and help with suggestions.  I believe..... ??? that the sale committee has decided to leave well enough alone for this year!  It is always nice to see what everyone else is doing and what other fairs and shows have in mind. 

Thank you again for your input!

Good luck to all of you at your fairs.  NASC we will see you at your fair this summer!


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
In our county, exhibitors are allowed to sell only one (1) animal in the  Livestock Premium Auction, unless that exhibitor exhibits multiple grand or reserve grand champions in the Market divisions. All grand champion and reserve grand champion markets animals automatically make the Premium Auction.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Our local ffa/4-h show and sale allows each kid to sell only one animal.  If they show mulitiple animals and do well on more than one, they can choose which animal to sell, but still only allowed to sell one.  Used to be animals could bring anything up to $1.00 below grand.  BUt, three years ago after my son's animal sold for considerbly more than the reserve animal, the rules were changed. (parents of child selling reserve animal raised enough cane) Now, there is no max on grand, reserve can bring up to 90% of grand, blue ribbons can bring up to 90% of reserve and red ribbons 80% of reserve.  The kids are responsible for going out and getting their buyers together.  Unfortunately if the family with the grand or reserve animals do not have their buyers together, everyone underneath suffers.  Our show is small but brings in considerably more than surrounding towns.  Our grand steer usually brings around $7,000, with grand hog around $5-6k.  Lambs and goats are usually just below that.  


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
LT said:
Good luck to all of you at your fairs.  NASC we will see you at your fair this summer!

Good deal.

The Chris I was referring to in my post is Chris Hooks, who is one of the beef superintendents. He is also on the sale committee. He would be a good one to ask about the way the jr. fair sale is ran. 