o boy can o worms..
you bring something up that every co fair goes through. but you still confused me towards the end of your post.. do you mind to translate that for me???
Anyways, my take on it, and I've been involved with 3 counties and 3 4H's... all do it differently... I think both ways have some +'s... I know in our county the auction takes forever with kids only selling 1 animal- regardless of # of champions. And we're not huge.. I'd say about 10-15 lambs, 10-15 goats, 40 hogs, 10 steers... We used to be much bigger when everyone could sell more than one aniamls... I'd say our show has about 15 steers, 80 hogs, 30 lambs. 40 goats in it...
From what I have noticed... prices seem to get much better, when kids are only selling 1 aniaml.. Buyers come to the sale to make "donations", not to get r@*ed of their pocket books... Our buyers were getting slim, and since changing the rule to only one animal, more have started coming back... IMO know one wants to sit there all night in the heat...
now for the kids who have more than 1 species.. and put the work in.. I think they should get to sell each animal they do..
There are just so many positives, negitives, advantages, and disadvantages.... it's unreal... I think for our county being only allowed to sell one animal has been for the better... better prices, shorter time period in the auction. (dog)--- and now that I'm on the resale commitee in charge of moving the sheep and goats-- it doesn't matter because we still get the same number of animals, but it's easier to know how many are going to market instead of the commotion during the sale... We sell by who the kid is, and what company wants to buy that animal, it doesn't matter what place you get, and that's the only way to do it.. IMO... every animal is based off the fair market floor price- and can go up from there