Help Me Vote Obama Out

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
if everyone hates politics, why are these types of threads the most popular?

must be the need to participate in circular reasoning.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri

1.  Most couples do make it into one ( christians ).  I know what's in the bible and do not pick and choose what I take out of it
2.  My marriage has nothing to do with the government as far as I am concerned ( so they can say whatever they want)
3.  Marriage has been around a long time and it's been done every which way
4.  Not sure if I do or not ( I didn't ask because it was none of my concern).  Take a look around pressure to accept is everywhere from TV, newspaper, magazines, social media, government, even steer planet
5.  Yes things are more equal than ever and yet not (some things have changed for the better)
6.  That is the problem you put abortion of a human being as a comparison to giving a shot of lutalyse to a cow,      Thank your mom for giving you a shot in this world
7.  As I said some things have changed for the better and I do love my brothers even the unrelated  

I think the states should decide, however does it matter what the states decide when a high court is just going overrule it?

I have not been offended, and have not intended to offend anyone, I have merely stated my stance on the issue

I have had enough of this thread - good byyyyy

XBAR- I didn't think you would be


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
nate53 said:

1.  Most couples do make it into one ( christians ).  I know what's in the bible and do not pick and choose what I take out of it
2.  My marriage has nothing to do with the government as far as I am concerned ( so they can say whatever they want)
3.  Marriage has been around a long time and it's been done every which way
4.  Not sure if I do or not ( I didn't ask because it was none of my concern).  Take a look around pressure to accept is everywhere from TV, newspaper, magazines, social media, government, even steer planet
5.  Yes things are more equal than ever and yet not (some things have changed for the better)
6.  That is the problem you put abortion of a human being as a comparison to giving a shot of lutalyse to a cow,      Thank your mom for giving you a shot in this world
7.  As I said some things have changed for the better and I do love my brothers even the unrelated  

I think the states should decide, however does it matter what the states decide when a high court is just going overrule it?

I have not been offended, and have not intended to offend anyone, I have merely stated my stance on the issue

I have had enough of this thread - good byyyyy

XBAR- I didn't think you would be

I bet you really enjoy being married and not having your choices questioned at all. You do realize this is the only thing the people of the LGBT are asking for, yet you think the states should decide who gets to live free without persecution? There shouldn't be any pressure to accept a person for who they are when its a cornerstone of your own religion. You people constantly reference the founding fathers of this country and how they "are rolling in their graves" when things in the government don't support your religion. FYI that is the way it was supposed to be, but never will be.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
If you look real close, Jon Stewart just committed the same fraud he is accusing those he hates of. 

But of course bigotry gets in the way of seeing that. 

It proves my point that no matter how hard you try, all these arguments are circular.

Nice to see everyone's still a coward about Islam. 


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
knabe said:
If you look real close, Jon Stewart just committed the same fraud he is accusing those he hates of. 

But of course bigotry gets in the way of seeing that. 

It proves my point that no matter how hard you try, all these arguments are circular.

Nice to see everyone's still a coward about Islam. 

Its not about Jon Stewart, its about the text.
Islam is those guys that blow sh*t up right?


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
There something on the order of 200 sovereign countries in the world.  How many of them do you consider to have a "better" form of government than the U.S.?

Our "liberals" are in reality pretty conservative relative to the rest of the world, particularly Europe.

Mexico has a pretty weak federal government with little direct control over most folks day--to-day lives.  Anybody want to trade with them?

How many true libertarian governments have their been in the history of civilization?  Reckon their might be a fundamental flaw as to why nobody has tried it?

Although far from perfect, I happen to think what we have is about as good as it can get.  I wish some of our best and brightest were more interested in political office, but the people in those positions arent nearly as dumb as its popular to think.  Life in general and running a country is little more complicated than any extreme ideology allows for.

I happen to think my life is pretty good - thanks to my family, my religon, and my government.  I won't vote for him, but Obama hasnt caused my life to suck.  The fact is our government is relatively hands off and our presidents dont dramatically "move the needle" one way or the other.  Something about that checks and balance system some pretty smart dudes in the 1700s created - pretty much all of whom were Christians by the way.  Like it or not, the Constitution and its amendments for most of our history have their roots in biblical law.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
chambero said:
There something on the order of 200 sovereign countries in the world.  How many of them do you consider to have a "better" form of government than the U.S.?

Our "liberals" are in reality pretty conservative relative to the rest of the world, particularly Europe.

Mexico has a pretty weak federal government with little direct control over most folks day--to-day lives.  Anybody want to trade with them?

How many true libertarian governments have their been in the history of civilization?  Reckon their might be a fundamental flaw as to why nobody has tried it?

Although far from perfect, I happen to think what we have is about as good as it can get.  I wish some of our best and brightest were more interested in political office, but the people in those positions arent nearly as dumb as its popular to think.  Life in general and running a country is little more complicated than any extreme ideology allows for.

I happen to think my life is pretty good - thanks to my family, my religon, and my government.  I won't vote for him, but Obama hasnt caused my life to suck.  The fact is our government is relatively hands off and our presidents dont dramatically "move the needle" one way or the other.  Something about that checks and balance system some pretty smart dudes in the 1700s created - pretty much all of whom were Christians by the way.  Like it or not, the Constitution and its amendments for most of our history have their roots in biblical law.

Very well said! I dont care if it would have been a pink and purple elephant taking over with as far out of hand the last person got the country it was going to be a rough road. Everybody is valued their opinion and the freedom of speech that is why we love it here.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Marriage was probably invented by less dominant males and females as the dominant males had problems.

There's a benefit to both parties under that agreement.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
In my opinion, it is a sore mistake to make your voting decisions based on single, polarizing issues.  Using gay marriage for an example, I believe it should be legally defined as man x woman for my own religous reasons.  However, that has little bearing on my vote. 

Idealogically, I think I fall along the lines of what used to be called a soutthern democrat - which really doesnt exist anymore, at least in the federal govt.  i'm fairly conservative on moral type issues, a little more moderate on economics, etc.

Our only real problem in this country is we spend too much money.  But that is us and our parents fault, not politicians.  They only do what we collectively want. 

If I could make one radical change, it would be to implement a national sales tax instead of our current income tax system.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The gay marriage issue aligns with many other liberal ideas like banning soda, foie gras, Dodd-frank, plastic bags, solyndra and hundreds if not thousands of other issues that are disguised by the constant in your face barrage of professionally outraged tippers. 


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Politics- check, Religion- check, ok, now if we can get someone to say something bad about Canadians and Charolais this topic will really go sideways in a hurry.

I know where my vote will be going, come November, and I know why, It will not be because of their stance on gay marriage, it will be based on where the Country is headed.

Marriage = a man and a woman

Civil union= who ever to who ever (deleted)

Give them all the same rights but make sure they all go through the same hell married people do if they decide to break their union, it is only fair.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
SmithNorthside said:

This sounds like a typical democrat - point out the problem, but offer NO SOLUTION!
chambero said:
In my opinion, it is a sore mistake to make your voting decisions based on single, polarizing issues.  Using gay marriage for an example, I believe it should be legally defined as man x woman for my own religous reasons.  However, that has little bearing on my vote.  

Idealogically, I think I fall along the lines of what used to be called a soutthern democrat - which really doesnt exist anymore, at least in the federal govt.  i'm fairly conservative on moral type issues, a little more moderate on economics, etc.

Our only real problem in this country is we spend too much money.  But that is us and our parents fault, not politicians.  They only do what we collectively want.  

If I could make one radical change, it would be to implement a national sales tax instead of our current income tax system.
Good for you, Chambero- you're much more open minded than I mistook you for. You're just a modern LBJ  <cowboy>... though you're dead wrong about our founders-

I'm much more fiscally conservative and about as socially liberal as one could be.  A flat or regressive tax rate gets my vote.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
X BAR Am I reading this correctly that you don't believe that recreational drug users infringe on the rights of or cause harm to others?

I also believe only actions that infringe on the rights of others can properly be termed crimes. I favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.  The government should be kept out of all personal matters. The question should be left to each person for their conscientious consideration.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
X BAR Am I reading this correctly that you don't believe that recreational drug users infringe on the rights of or cause harm to others?

I also believe only actions that infringe on the rights of others can properly be termed crimes. I favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.  The government should be kept out of all personal matters. The question should be left to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Use in and of itself, NO I DON'T! Prohibition created the cartels.  Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make.



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
VC - you're equating apples to oranges my friend. And no I am not offended, but I won't stand by and not defend my stance on basic human rights  <rock>


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
-XBAR- said:
X BAR Am I reading this correctly that you don't believe that recreational drug users infringe on the rights of or cause harm to others?

I also believe only actions that infringe on the rights of others can properly be termed crimes. I favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.  The government should be kept out of all personal matters. The question should be left to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Use in and of itself, NO I DON'T! Prohibition created the cartels.  Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make.

And what of the consequence you or I suffer because of their use?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
-XBAR- said:
X BAR Am I reading this correctly that you don't believe that recreational drug users infringe on the rights of or cause harm to others?

I also believe only actions that infringe on the rights of others can properly be termed crimes. I favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.  The government should be kept out of all personal matters. The question should be left to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Use in and of itself, NO I DON'T! Prohibition created the cartels.  Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make.

And what of the consequence you or I suffer because of their use?

Restitution to the victim to the fullest degree possible at the expense of the criminal or the negligent wrongdoer


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Zach said:
VC - you're equating apples to oranges my friend. And no I am not offended, but I won't stand by and not defend my stance on basic human rights  <rock>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
I don't normally comment on stuff like this (although I enjoy reading them!), but since we're on the topic of Gay Marriage... one thing has always puzzled me.

Most religious people (and I consider myself religious) use the excuse "the Bible says its wrong" in their opposition of gay marriage. However, the Bible is also VERY clear about divorce. Yet, there is no law preventing divorced men and women from remarrying. If the Bible says homosexuality is a sin and it also says divorce is a sin, how come one group can get married and the other can't?

Also the thing that really gets me wondering about religion now a days: It seems like every different preacher/pastor/minister/televangelist has a different view on something regarding religion. Some even go as far as mocking each other and saying that the other group will not be in heaven. I'll be the first to admit, the Bible is pretty confusing. You have all these different translations (That many people argue over), alot of the text is written in cultures that we don't understand, and alot has changed with the interpretation of the Bible over the years. I sure hope God doesn't judge us too hard on that!

One last thing and this is kinda interesting about Gay Marriage. I was told one time that Satan is incapable of producing love. Love only comes from God. I do believe that there are many homosexual couples that truly love each other.