This afternoon, we went out to walk the steers since it was such a nice afternoon. I noticed that my son's steer's ears were a little droopy. When I got closer to him, his breathing was somewhat labored, but not bad. I thought that it was because of the humidity and no wind. After we walked them for about 15 minutes or so, we tied them up to the fence, and rinsed them. By this time, his breathing had kind of a noise to it. Kind of like when a person is asleep and snoring.
I attributed the ears drooping to the fact that yesterday evening before we started walking them, i gave him 1 1/2 cc of ace to calm him down. He's a little rambunxious (kicking and trying to head-butt anyone that tries to lead him). So I figured the drug had not completely worn off yet. He was also alot easier to catch today. But now I don't know. We fed before we left, and he didn't go eat. Kinda makes me think he maybe has some sort of bug. Should I give hime something, and if so what and how much.
I attributed the ears drooping to the fact that yesterday evening before we started walking them, i gave him 1 1/2 cc of ace to calm him down. He's a little rambunxious (kicking and trying to head-butt anyone that tries to lead him). So I figured the drug had not completely worn off yet. He was also alot easier to catch today. But now I don't know. We fed before we left, and he didn't go eat. Kinda makes me think he maybe has some sort of bug. Should I give hime something, and if so what and how much.