Heres my look on it. I think that you can to breed to any bull all you have to do is work with the calf and it could be the tamest calf that you have ever had. I am sure that a little of has to do with the bull and cow but I think that if you work with that calf you can make it tame.
Posted on: Today at 01:16:05 PMPosted by: OhShOwEr
Dude, this isn't correct, did you not read my post above...
Also, we milk about 100 cows... and tell me this... why is it our cows get messed with atleast 2 x every day, yet some are nuttier than he double hocky sticks, and some a the biggest puppies in world... None get broke to lead, none get any special care-- but yet most are so tame you could walk up to a 2 or 3year old, put a halter on her, and within a few hours have her completely broke to lead... However, certain lines are way nuts..