Did you know that here in Little California....ooops...I mean Colorado, the one industry that has totally taken off is COOKING CLASSES!!!
The "Haves" are suddenly the "Have Nots"....with the rest of us! I am not picking on young folks, but my 18 year old son is honestly a better cook than any of the girls he knows. We have as a country, not taught our young people how to cook from scratch. I hired a newly wed, new college grad several years ago, who told me where they went out to eat each night. It wasnt long before a couple with no kids, both working both needed raises to keep up with their eating out lifestyle. (I told her that raises were given for performance, not based on her eating habits.) arrgh
If you have ever listened to Dave Ramsey or Suzie Orman their financial advise for cutting personal expenses is to stay out of the bars and restaurants!
While this is bad for "chi chi" restaurants, it is still good for the grocers. If you are just learning to cook, it is a no brainer to learn to make a beef roast or grill a steak or make endless hamburger dishes for a family. Honestly, if you take a family of 4 out to eat at a sit down place, you are being frugal to get out for less than $45. You can still buy $45 worth of meat and make supper for a week with that! Most people get really tired of chicken every night!
So teach somebody to cook beef!