• We need more performance in our Shorthorn Yard cattle to compete with Angus, Simmental, Charolais and Hereford.
• Check out
www.angus.org - Champion Carload of 10 Angus Bulls - January bulls averaged 1,420 lbs.; frame 6.5 bulls. Reserve Champion
Carload of 10 Bulls - January 20th to February 13th averaged 1,310 lbs. Both Angus Carloads WDA higher than any Shorthorn Pen.
• Sullivan Farms February Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn bulls WDA was 3.66 - 1,192 lbs. average weight. Average weight for the
Angus Febraury Pen Bulls in a class of five entries was 1,315 lbs., 1,298 lbs., 1,270 lbs., 1,187 lbs., and 1,143 lbs.
• The Angus yard bulls averaged almost a full frame score over the Shorthorn yard bulls.
• Shorthorn breeders is it possible? Are we raising our bulls too small framed to sire profitable feeder cattle?
• The moderate English bred cow herds dominating our countryside would prosper with the injection of a stout 6+ framed Shorthorn bull,
in the feedlot, replacement pen or on the plate.
• The Continental cows in commercial herds would benefit from the maternal traits and marbling a Shorthorn bull would inject.
• Breeder focused on balanced multiple traits selection, with eye appeal always have a demand for their product. Balance never goes out of style.
• Frame 5 and 7 purebred cattle can be used as breeding tools but that is because generally you are not in the ideal situation.