frostback said:
If you have some time, and really want to know go to this link put in the outfits herd name they use when naming calves and you should get the animals they own.
What if they don't register anything, or very few? Some people think that registration papers are a waste of money-- I mean seriously- do you get paid for that piece of paper- when you take that feeder calf to the sale barn if it has papers- what pure VALUE does that peice of paper have? I know
MANY people- who keep the bare minimum papered for a show string- and say piss on the rest: who cares what's on that paper pedigree wise-- just so they have one to show when attending exhibiting somewhere.
What if the operation raises commercial crossbred cows- and just has a few Shorthorns to tinker around with?
If this post, and the above post are about me--- you'll find somewhere in the neighborhood of 25-35 Shorthorn and shorthorn plus cattle registered on the ASA site. What you won't find- is our Red Angus bull that we've bred to over 300 beef and dairy (about half and half) heifers since the very early spring of 2009, or anything about any of the Angus based, or commercial shorthorn cows (or very few of them). That's three years-- ave 100 heifers a year.. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO THAT- 5 Steer Planeteers maybe?
In regards to the post above your's Frosty: What if people prefer not to sell to anyone other than market? I sell the piss out of breeding stock in our sheep flock- and quite honestly get so tired of the *****ing, moaning, groaning, complaining, and general BULL **** that buyers do CONSTANTLY. To give you an idea: We have lambed as many as 80 ewes in a year- give or take 135% weaning rate per ewe: is a result of around 108 lambs. Now, do this for a couple of years-- and you rack up the number of lambs born- and sold.
IN MY 19 years raising sheep (12 in this breed) I have not sold a EWE LAMB to market since 2003. Now, in the last 9 years- we have not had over 100 lambs a year: lets use 70, just to keep it simple: (aprx 35 ewe lambs X 9 years equals: 315 ewe lambs. Keep in mind, I said I haven't sold a ewe lamb to market.. Which means, that 315 have either gotten sold as breeding stock- or kept for replacements. I won't go into how many ram lambs I've sold- but I'll say that up
until the spring of 2010- I had shipped 5 ram lambs- 3 QQ's, and two that I had just gotten tired of feeding about the third week of July in '09 (luck would have it someone would call the next week wanting one). How many of you have raised, and sold zero of your last 315 heifer calves?
What I'm getting at is: I've sold a hell of alot of breeding sheep- actually sold into 18 states and Canada-- plus sent some semen to Mexico: I've also dealt with
a lot of people. This set of genetics have
produced champions at about 10 state fairs and National shows- high sellers and champions at consignment sales from New York to Iowa- and a set of very competitive National Futurity Contest ewe lambs (would have won it in '09 if the girl would have turned in her first double points sheet). Just last fall- nearly 40% of the sheep shown in our National Show in Louisville- traced to our genetics within 3 generations.
I can confidently say-- I'm just about done selling sheep breeding stock privately, or in public auction- and intend to send the first bunch of ewe lambs to market this spring: why?
I'm tired of dealing with the people- the buyers, the potential buyers, and just in general-- a pool of breeders.
When we bought my first Shorthorn in 2004 (From a Steerplanet member-- not at the time though)- and got my first calf 2 years later- and then about a year and a half later decided I was serious enough into them to keep them around:
I DECIDED, I WOULD NOT PUT THIS HASSLE INTO MY LIFE- MOST CERTAINLY NOT- During the last several years- this has proved a wise choice. The shorthorn breed is bull of *****ers, moaners, and groaners.. bull of people who cannot use their head, full of trend chasers- cliques, banner Targeters, and plenty of FAKE MONEY-- YES I WENT THERE.
I don't want any part of it!
We take every calf to the sale barn and sell it as a feeder; that we do not keep for a replacement- or decide to feed out for personal or local consumption. We do this so we don't have to deal with the drama and BULL **** that comes after a sale... It doesn't matter who it is, what they buy- or how they get it... At some point, one party or the other will get mad, toes stepped on, or feelings hurt. The shear number of people who just like to complain- astonish me. I've had people buy ram lambs- tell me how much they suck-- until the first lambs arrive-- then they love him-- about the next breeding season-- they're down on him again cuz his lambs didn't grow-- then about Louisville time-- they're so high on him again-- a daughter wins her class-- and now they're going to change the breed forever with that ram...
Buyers are hard to please-- and I prefer not to have any... Sale barn it-- and forget about it...
I imagine, someone will report this post to Jason-- which is cool-- go ahead.. and if he wants to remove it, block, or ban me.. So be it.. I don't really give a damn. I like getting on here and getting people's feathers all ruffled-- I think it's funny ****. People are so lacking when it comes to doing something different- and being questioned about why they won't. So guess what??? You can kiss it... and for the record: I wouldn't use a SULL Bull-- if he purchased the damn thing from me for a million dollars, and moved in with me. I'm a hard person to get along with, and a bigger ******* online...
618-322-2582 -call if you want to...