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Wow, I don't know here to startTJ said:redwingfarm said:I don't know whether he cares about ag and whether can fix all of the problems I listed but we need to remember to see the warts that come with every candidate and I think that my list is accurate of what warts could come with McCain. I was to Arlington last summer on a funeral day and it made a big impression on me. I have been told of 50-60 a bag increase in seed corn by monsanto just because they can do it with few available other choices. The articles in the papers blaming farmers for high prices, have a good friend who has raised hogs for over 40 years getting out because of high feed costs and packer integration. Is McCain a senator from the great "agricultural" state of Arizona going to have a clue how to help us??
Obama will do nothing to help the farmer. Farmers needs to look for alternatives. Gas is high, but if you convert over to natural gas, you will reduce your transport costs & your engines will burn cleaner. Grain is high, so you better have genetics that will work without a bunch of pampering. Fertilizer costs are high, but organic fertilizers don't typically cost as much, and although they take longer to work, you will have a better result over time. I'm not so sure that we don't over do fertilizer anyway in the name of max. production. It's time to stop shooting for max production & start shooting for profit. If you are not profitable, you need to figure out why & adjust. It is that plain & that simple. Waiting for Obama to help you is going to leave you awfully disappointed.
BTW, the reason Monsanto is a monopoly is because the typical farmer allowed them to become a monopoly by supporting them. It may not happen overnight, but the farmer CAN do something to change that, if enough of them truly want to. Most just want to complain, rather than become pro-active & they want someone else to fix the problem for them. There are alternatives to supporting Monsanto. It wont happen overnight, but we enough resolve, it can be done with the Govt. stepping in. I am a small farmer, cattle producer, & I can proudly say that I am "Monsanto free". High grain prices do not hurt my beef operation very much at all. Also, I personally like high grain because we own 2,000+ acres of crop ground that we rent out. Our tennants are not "Monsanto free", but they have also made a wad of cash grain farming over the last 6 or so years... at least according to them, they have. High grain is a good thing both for our crop rent & for my cattle operation. I love it!!!
And if you think Monsanto is monopoly & a problem, just wait until you actually get really BIG GOVERNMENT! Talk about a monopoly... you haven't seen a true monopoly yet.
RE the dead soliders... yes, that is what happens when you are in a hostile enviornment. It's sad, but without a military, the world would turn into a place of mutiny in just a matter of months. Just think how hostile it would be in Iraq IF we were not involved? Rather than baby sitting them over in Iraq, we would likely be fighting them over here where many of our own civilians could die! And Obama is all about immigration (importanting poverty & terrorists).
Since you are all for freedom, equal rights, etc., I know that you wont mind me saying that Jesus Christ is Lord of all & over all. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish. But, I have a feeling that my beliefs & my equal right to express my opinion is not important to you.
In closing, McCain isn't perfect & neither is Palin, but I simply can not support Obama under any circumstances.
Please don't lump me in with the anti-god bunch your beliefs and opinion have the same value as mine!!! Just because my concerns and feelings aren't the same as yours I feel that you are very much out of line in suggesting that if I don't agree with you I'm anti Jesus, I assure you in the strongest way possible that I share a strong faith and belief in Jesus.
Now to your other points-organic farming may sound good but IT IS NOT A TRUE REALITY FOR AGRICULTURE in the US, just won't work on the large scale farms of today, sorry to disagree with you but I'm in the fert and seed business and organic is nice niche program for some people but not on the full scale farm belt
Congrats on thinking you are Monsanto free, but by taking money from renters who buy from Monsanto,you are in effect not monsanto free, if every farmer in the US had the desire to switch tommorrow, there wouldn't be enough seed to go around, Monsanto and many other multinational companys have us working for them, not them working for us.
Also the idea of not going for maximum production is also a mirage, as every budget I work up for my customers proves that all that cutting back on inputs does is cut back on profitability. The game in crops today is bushels, bushels, bushels
Finally I have never stated that I'm a unwavering supporter of Obama you just assumed so, my point all along is that before we present the crown and scepter to McCain we should check to make sure he has clothes on that we can live with, and frankly I have seen where the last 4 years of Bush has led us and I don't see much difference in path that McCain indicates he want to travel