Jill said:I guess I would be what would be what you all call a multiplier with no “herd”. I make no bones about the fact that I am chasing the purple ribbon, that is what my business is and to imply that there is something wrong with that isn’t really fair. A sale barn calf at my house is a wasted year and a loss of money, I applaud all of you that do commercial cattle, but that doesn’t mean you put more thought, time or heart into making decisions about a herd and I really resent the implication that because I don’t sell commercially that I don’t care about this breed. We love Maine Anjou cattle, our herd consist of past show heifers almost exclusively, we raise cattle so that my children can afford to show, and they would just as soon have a purple ribbon as a white one, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with my decisions, they are just different than yours.
cornbread said:Heres your signknabe said:gas is already $5.00 gal in big sur Ca. bin laden's goal for oil is $140 a barrel, yet democrats want to tax oil companies, won't allow drilling in the gulf of mexico, anwar, off the coast of Ca, anywhere. we will use the same no matter what, it's the supply that is artificially depressed by communists who don't understand supply and demand, only power. now china is dumping the dollar. perhaps that 140 will be sooner than he thought. funny how he has a better handle on economics than either bush or the democrats.
CAB said:Show Heifer, are you sure about the not being able to clone from semen? When you put it like you did, I say well OK that does make sense, but doesn't that sperm cell have all of the bulls DNA, none of the Dams DNA, and will when joined with the cows DNA, have a new sequence. I do think that you are right, but just think if you could have a clone from sperm. Everyone would have a Meyer 734, IW or whatever, if they could foot the cloning bill. Please enlighten me. I'm a little slow thinking. Cab
knabe said:cornbread said:Heres your signknabe said:gas is already $5.00 gal in big sur Ca. bin laden's goal for oil is $140 a barrel, yet democrats want to tax oil companies, won't allow drilling in the gulf of mexico, anwar, off the coast of Ca, anywhere. we will use the same no matter what, it's the supply that is artificially depressed by communists who don't understand supply and demand, only power. now china is dumping the dollar. perhaps that 140 will be sooner than he thought. funny how he has a better handle on economics than either bush or the democrats.
here's the reference to "here's your sign". basically he's just saying i'm stupid and that he hates stupid people. little does he know that stupidity is the foundation of our civilization and that blunders stimulate progress. failure is the basis for success. the term "here's your sign" basically is to flame someone without them knowing it because they are stupid. what's really intersting, is that most successful products take advantage of stupidity. it's actually a well researched field. some call it human factors. exact quotes added for searching for those who are generous enough to give people signs. ;D
CAB said:It's amazing, but more than likely the talk about Galaway, Highlanders, & the Luing cattle lately has all been about hair mostly. I'm guilty. That's the only reason that I am curious about the breeds, when it should be about a varity of other more economically important traits, but I hate to really add this, it is like Frostback says, it is what is selling for us "clubbie" people. I am curious to know what you all think about the Luing's & Highland cattle being comfie in Tx. I had a couple of hairy clubbie babies that were absolutely miserable this past summer. This is the first year that I have had calves visibly suffer from their hair coat. Some clubbie producers are clipping calves early summer. I agree that breeding for hair in parts of the country doesn't make any sense, but I still watch for hair. Sorry to disappoint some or many possibly.
Telos said:CAB said:It's amazing, but more than likely the talk about Galaway, Highlanders, & the Luing cattle lately has all been about hair mostly. I'm guilty. That's the only reason that I am curious about the breeds, when it should be about a varity of other more economically important traits, but I hate to really add this, it is like Frostback says, it is what is selling for us "clubbie" people. I am curious to know what you all think about the Luing's & Highland cattle being comfie in Tx. I had a couple of hairy clubbie babies that were absolutely miserable this past summer. This is the first year that I have had calves visibly suffer from their hair coat. Some clubbie producers are clipping calves early summer. I agree that breeding for hair in parts of the country doesn't make any sense, but I still watch for hair. Sorry to disappoint some or many possibly.
CAB... you may want to be cautious, breeding for this single trait. The day might come when everyone decides that all this hair may not be such a beautiful thing.
Saw the other day, a cattle breeder having a sale rated hair on all their sale bulls from a 1 to a 5 with 5 be the the best. The cattle, with the ability to slick their hair in the summer the best were given the top ranking of 5. Research shows that cattle with the ability to slick their hair were healthier, better doing, and out performed other cattle that do not have this ability.
DL said:Hair - if you want to create illusion, fix faults, sculpt the perfect bovine they you like hair.
I have a friend who says there is not such thing as too much hair. He is a bovine artist
For me there can be too much hair - I have half a dozen Maines that I slick shear every spring and clip close fall and (yup) winter - they might loose it on their own but I don't have the patience to wait - too much hair.
CAB said:Hey if you noticed, I'm the one that said it takes a little longer for some of us, if you'll look back a post or 4. I don't think that hair is @ all that important unless it's a cold hard winter, but the scultors and evidently most livestock judges either do or can't see through a great clip job. Which do you all think it is?
Show Dad said:Wow!Now I have heard it all. Clubby owners complaining of to much hair. ???
Amazing! ;D