REd Cloud is owned by Good Family Shorthorns in Barnard Kansas. He was used HEAVILY by them for years. He probably bred 100 cows per year naturally, running on large parcels of pasture (sections), not 10 acre lots. I have quite a few Red Cloud females and can tell you that they are honestly problem free cattle. Predominately DARK red with very nice udders. They are not as big as typical shorthorns, usually frame score's in the mid 6's. They will not have the amount of bone or muscle that you will see in the popular lines, but those cattle work, period. When I say work, I mean forage without external inputs (corn), raise nice calves that perform well in the feedlot. They maintain body condition while lactating, and keep their udders in check until they are late in their career. I have an 11 year old daughter that looks 6. I still use him, as we are raising beef cattle first, halter cattle last. AJ, the son of Red Cloud that was used extensively by Harold Bertz was Red Cloud 7026. One of Tyler Hahn's better donor cows is a red cloud daughter.