Interesting. Actually, the way we got into LimFlex is due to a local small producer that used to work for Magness and Running Creek. Running Creek has invited me to come help A.I. next year and has also offered to set me up with semen. Maybe I could work off some straws during A.I. season. But a good alternative I hadn't though of. Boy, the though of taking a 100 pound "calving ease" sired calf outta the side of a really good heifer has me thinking I need to take a <chill> on the clubby bulls for first calvers. DL, I might even really play safe and breed to bulls we've proven ourselves. Nice to go find a 65-70 pound calf up and nursing with mama licking him off. Oh well, we've got till nest May at least. Thanks for taking time to give input. (thumbsup)