Let's Rehash Calving Ease Bulls

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MYT Farms

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Peyton CO
Interesting. Actually, the way we got into LimFlex is due to a local small producer that used to work for Magness and Running Creek. Running Creek has invited me to come help A.I. next year and has also offered to set me up with semen. Maybe I could work off some straws during A.I. season. But a good alternative I hadn't though of. Boy, the though of taking a 100 pound "calving ease" sired calf outta the side of a really good heifer has me thinking I need to take a  <chill> on the clubby bulls for first calvers. DL, I might even really play safe and breed to bulls we've proven ourselves. Nice to go find a 65-70 pound calf up and nursing with mama licking him off. Oh well, we've got till nest May at least. Thanks for taking time to give input.  (thumbsup)


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
MYT Farms said:
Interesting. Actually, the way we got into LimFlex is due to a local small producer that used to work for Magness and Running Creek. Running Creek has invited me to come help A.I. next year and has also offered to set me up with semen. Maybe I could work off some straws during A.I. season. But a good alternative I hadn't though of. Boy, the though of taking a 100 pound "calving ease" sired calf outta the side of a really good heifer has me thinking I need to take a  <chill> on the clubby bulls for first calvers. DL, I might even really play safe and breed to bulls we've proven ourselves. Nice to go find a 65-70 pound calf up and nursing with mama licking him off. Oh well, we've got till nest May at least. Thanks for taking time to give input.  (thumbsup)

Running Creek actually has a couple of really good calving ease sires and they have incredible growth numbers.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2009
It's not worth it.  You get real tired of pulling calves and a few down heifers each year.  The bull we have in my picture looks like he'll work after calving one set of heifers.  We are also calving a set of heifers now out of 1/2 limi 1/2 Longhorn bulls and they may be the best ever because we haven't pulled one and they are all alive. 

Running Creek actually has a couple of really good calving ease sires and they have incredible growth numbers.


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
Steer4Caddy said:
It's not worth it.  You get real tired of pulling calves and a few down heifers each year.  The bull we have in my picture looks like he'll work after calving one set of heifers.  We are also calving a set of heifers now out of 1/2 limi 1/2 Longhorn bulls and they may be the best ever because we haven't pulled one and they are all alive. 

Running Creek actually has a couple of really good calving ease sires and they have incredible growth numbers.

Running Creek Ranch has a great reputation. They market over 500 bulls annually and always have 250 bred heifers for sale at all times. These people make their living off of cattle. It's not just a hobby. What do you do with a 1/4 longhorn besides haul it to the sale barn. They have 2 calving ease bulls that are in the top 1% for CE and are PROVEN for over 5 years.

MYT Farms

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Peyton CO
We even have one of their bulls in the pasture. I think we've come to a verdict here.  :) Thanks again to you all.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
We got along fine using Rocky Balboa last year on heifers.  We did pull two - one out of a Friction-sired heifer and one out of a Kadabra heifer.  We still primarily use Angus just for the added safety and the fact I don't like worrying about it, but if you really wanted to use a clubby bull Rocky would be fine.  We bred some mature cows to him this year and their calves came real small again.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
If the cows are big bodied Total Solution is a great choice. We've calved Ali for  several years and have yet to have a calf over 75 pounds.

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
I have a bull that I raised out of Ali.  He is a 3/4 Maine and all of his ansesters are on the easy calving list.  His grandmother, mother and he were all out of first calf heifers born at 22-24 months of age.  None were pulled and none weighed over 72 lbs.  My brother used him on his Sunseeker heifers and none have had a 70 lb. calf as of this date.  We will breed him to 30 heifers this year.  He is 1/8 Chi and 1/8 Angus, small head and clean front, but has a thick top with a good thick rear-end.  We hope to keep the heifers from him.  We never pulled a calf from his PB grandsire and used him for 6 years until he was stolen.  We have never pulled an Ali calf either.  The bull calves from Ali last year averaged 48.5 lbs from out heifers.  I have never pulled an Ali calf.

My neighbor has a half angus half longhorn that is solid black and has never pulled a calf in 6 years.  He is a real heifer bull and I think my little 153 is too....