r.n.reed said:
A couple more thoughts of mine on some of the things discussed on this topic.First let me preface them by saying I haven't been to the county fair in at least 5 years although my wife judged the cat show 2years in a row and one of my pastures is just down the road from the fairgrounds. I do not want to bag groceries.
First on linebreeding you better like what you have along the way or get rid of it because it will show up again if you continue with the line even with outcrosses added in.
On the fly thing,I live in the fly capital of the US and have seen a dramatic difference on the amount of flies on particular cows and cow size is not a determinant at least with my genetics.I wish I would have kept notes to see if it is generational.
Finally a note of interest on my last post above,there are relatives of the Hultines who have started a herd of Shorthorns near Hastings Nebraska and they are using Meadowbrook Chieftain 9th.
in the C.D. Steeleman & A.H. Brown, Jr. Horn Fly Resistance Research Trial, resistance was across the board. There were big, gangly, ugly, framey 80's Angus & Herefords, as well as Fullblood Chi's and 1955-era Angus cows ( equivalent to Lowlines, these were "preserved" from Growth & Mature Cow Size Research done by another Professor, Connell J. Brown-no relation--)....I think there's another, more-complicated Hereditarty factor, besides Cow Size, in the area of Bovine Parasitic Fly Resistance.