Mab dead

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OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
bk2005 said:
Mab was a great bull. Few bulls can produce the power steers and true breeding females.
This is a mab x encore/734/6807 at Davis farms in Kingston, Ohio
If we can make more heifers like this, it doesn't matter what semen cost. I'm buying it.

Very nice female! I like she has some set to that rear leg and isn't post legged like some of the clubbier females. Looks like she will make an interesting breeding piece.

Triple M

Feb 23, 2014
I will never forget the day brad and myself took MAB to Elgin dr Warner did a heck of a job with him ! he loved nothing more than being scratched under the leg or digging his usual hole. I just think bashing things a person makes a living off of is a little un called for if you were in there shoes would you like the things being said ..and If you wouldn't say it to there face why type it on a computer just something to think about cowboy  ;)


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
We got the Show Circuit magazine in the mail and I couldn't help but notice all the MAB calves that were on most people's ads to advertise their sales this fall. 


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Triple M said:
I will never forget the day brad and myself took MAB to Elgin dr Warner did a heck of a job with him ! he loved nothing more than being scratched under the leg or digging his usual hole. I just think bashing things a person makes a living off of is a little un called for if you were in there shoes would you like the things being said ..and If you wouldn't say it to there face why type it on a computer just something to think about cowboy  ;)

I feel bad for you and others that had the opportunity to work with MAB.  I just hate losing cattle, and I know they are going to be gone after their terminal show.  It still sucks.  We get attached to them.

I really don't feel that anyone is "bashing" the bull.  I believe that this is just a really sensitive subject for some of the people that were close to the bull, and that is certainly understandable.

Everything about the show cattle/club calf industry is molded around the pretense of opinion.  It is the breeder's opinion which bull will work with which cow.  It is the purchaser's opinion which calves will be a profitable investment.  It is the families' opinion which calf will match their operation.  It then of course becomes the judge's opinion which calf is the best.  Yes, these opinions are "educated opinions" that are fueled by experience...but in the end they are nothing more than personal preference or opinion. 

I believe that it is very important that we all understand and respect that fact before we ever jump into this deal.  I have gotten my feelings hurt more than once while listening to a judge give his opinion of one of our steers.  I have also gotten some relief from that opinion when I saw the carcass results from that steer that was "all hair", or "wasn't fat enough".  On the other hand, I have also gotten to look down at the ground while shaking my head, and say "he was right". 

Again, I am sorry for everyone that lost a bull that they had an affection for.  The opinions just come with the territory. 


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Triple M said:
I will never forget the day brad and myself took MAB to Elgin dr Warner did a heck of a job with him ! he loved nothing more than being scratched under the leg or digging his usual hole. I just think bashing things a person makes a living off of is a little un called for if you were in there shoes would you like the things being said ..and If you wouldn't say it to there face why type it on a computer just something to think about cowboy  ;)

Warner is a great vet best there is in my opinion as well as many others

Don't get so butt hurt though for real you people get wound up nobody slammed the bull, did anyone in 4h teach you not to take opinions so personally? He doesn't work in my program they break the bank at 90 days and break your heart at 9 months. It's an opinion and I am not afraid to say it to someone's face just like I wouldn't be ashamed to hear your opinions on said animal

Triple M

Feb 23, 2014
May family champion Wisconsin state fair two years running both sired by MAB


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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2014
They all seem pretty attached to this bull, I won't buy a MAB calf, I'm to worried about them falling apart and I'm not trying to "hide" this is a forum to discuss agriculture topics relating to livestock
So everyone that is upset about "bashing" the bull that your emontionally attached to and feel obligated to stand up, the cattle industry isn't for the thin skinned someone is always going to have something to say and someone will always have a better calf/cow/bull
Spencer Hensley


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
If you're watching calves that hit the backdrop, MAB has his share when you think about all of the bulls there are to compete against. His heifers seem to be hitting the backdrop both as market cattle and breeding cattle. Whether or not they will make cows consistently is yet to be seen and I personally will not put the expense into one to gamble on whether or not she'll milk based on my own experiences trying to make cows sired by predominately steer making bulls.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I try not give an opinion on an animal if I have not had any experience good or bad with one personally, now the calves I have seen out of MAB looked pretty good, was just a small sampling of about 10 head and they were all young. I did AI a cow to him this year but she runs on the big side and is sound, just hoping he will add some style along with docile personality, her attitude is fine, just not looking for a head ache either. I like the kids who buy them to come back.

Bulls I can give an opinion on:
Full Flush;(1)Loved him, dog gentle, easy feeding, graded USDA Prime
Friction:(1) loved his look, was a ticking time bomb. Never again.
HeatWave,(5) we had dog gentle to a PITA, most fed well for us.
Unforgiven:(1) Easy feeding, easy going calf, Finished out at 1415, really enjoyed being around people.
Invincible: (2) Easy feeding, mellow, bigger framed, not a mean bone in either of them, finished @1440
DR Who sons (clean up bulls): (2) Easy feeding, not as showy but over all solid, balanced calves.
Forgot one Paddy O'mally: Probably the prettiest calf we had, flashy, little rounded in the muscle, hairy, a touch tight strided, easy to work with.

I will say we selected for fats, not as showy at a young age.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
Cold hearted truth here, there are two clones and likely a cell line established, terminal gentics by there very nature are....dare I say short term? Eeeeek!  He works really well on some cows and not so much on others, personally I like the calves I have so far. Yes they are quiet and easy to work with, huge bonus compared to the walks alone line. Sad fact is this bull was "found" by RCC, he made him appealing, up till then he was another colored bull out of monopoly and just another clubby cow. How many other " great" ones have been used cleanup in a small herd and the calves were marketed as the flavor of the month because they got tired of people saying "that calf is out of who?".


New member
Feb 22, 2014
First of all showstopper95,the way you started this post I
don't quite understand. How do you consider something overpriced? The semen was on a collection to collection basis for nearly 3 years straight. When the semen price shot up is when it was offered online. The customer or consumer in a sense was the one dictating the price. I'm not sure how you can consider that over priced. MAB didn't work in your program, I get that. I want to give you a comparison. Solid Gold and his clones are 1 of the most popular bulls to make high selling and champion slick sheering cattle. You see very few SG sired calves in the midwest.That doesn't mean they aren't any good and if a Midwestern producer got on here and said that SG semen is over priced I'm sure they would feel offended. On the contrary, I have sold MAB semen to several prominent breeders in the south 3 years straight, so that tells me thatMAB does work for some of the southern producers.
Dakotacow, I would like to ask your definition of "found".Just for the record, RCC was the first person that looked at and had an opportunity to purchase MAB as a calf and elected to pass. I'm sure if he could have looked into the future,his decision may have been different. I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase him along with Todd Rau. It wasn't until Nick Reimann and RCC seen some of the offspring at Todd Rau's and Dana Dennert's ranches that enticed RCC to get serious about purchasing an interest in MAB. So I don't feel that MAB was ever someone's clean up bull laying in someone's pasture that someone stumbled acrossed and "found". I'm not simple enough minded to not realize what RCC's marketing and promotional talents didn't increase MAB 's popularity greatly. MAB complimented RCC's existing bull battery nicely and it was a win win for everyone involved.
The comment butt hurt doesn't make much sense to me either as it was worded in showstopper95  previous post. If someone can get on steerplanet and address negative items,what is wrong with defending a person's turf.
Looking back on you guy's previous posts I'd swear you 2 wrote the book on club calf production. Maybe you guys should get your dos and don't s in club calf production book published and set up a book stand at every show ring  at every state fair in the country. I'm sure it would be very lucrative. If all of our goals were the same and our likes and dislikes were the same,it would be pretty boring. Just because we don't see things exactly the same as the next guy, doesn't mean the next guy is wrong. Showstopper95, you have a good quote by zig ziglar under every post you put on steerplanet,  maybe you should take it to heart a little. This site is open to anyone's comments, but remember, there is a big difference between critiquing something and bashing it.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Like it's been said 12245322 times it's an opinion

In my opinion I wouldn't pay 2 dollars a unit for it and in my opinion it's over priced

How many times can you beat a dead horse before you learn to agree to disagree


New member
Feb 22, 2014
You can beat this dead horse along time.Keep flapping your gums if it gives you self satisfaction or helps you build your self esteem. As it has been said in the past "dig your spurs in partner"


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
MAB3462 said:
If someone can get on steerplanetJust because we don't see things exactly the same as the next guy, doesn't mean the next guy is wrong.
No idea why you are taking it all so personally as you said everyone's entitled to an opinion and im not changing mine because you become bent out of shape?

That quote is straight from you


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Sent you my number in a p.m I have no internet in the barn, time to start rinsing the show string you mentioned earlier


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
DakotaCow said:
Cold hearted truth here, there are two clones and likely a cell line established, terminal gentics by there very nature are....dare I say short term? Eeeeek!  He works really well on some cows and not so much on others, personally I like the calves I have so far. Yes they are quiet and easy to work with, huge bonus compared to the walks alone line. Sad fact is this bull was "found" by RCC, he made him appealing, up till then he was another colored bull out of monopoly and just another clubby cow. How many other " great" ones have been used cleanup in a small herd and the calves were marketed as the flavor of the month because they got tired of people saying "that calf is out of who?".

I am pretty neutral on this thread, and to a degree I see both sides of it.

Personally, I follow the part of this quote regarding RCC having "found" that Wade is the person that put that bull on the map.  He was certainly a GREAT bull when he young and being used on a limited basis due to market awareness being limited.  Nonetheless, had Wade not gone back and taken a second look there is a high likelihood that this bulls potential would have never been realized.  The way that I took DakotaCow's comment is a little different than some took it.  The comment was a compliment to the promotional skills of RCC.  I have wondered many times, how many really good bulls never got the opportunity to change an industry that way that MAB has. 

Show stopper 95 doesn't mean anything personal in his comments.  The thing that I have learned when following some of his posts is this:  Focus on the message, not the delivery of the message.  Some people are just very direct in their communication, and whenever the subject matter is the slightest sensitive there is room for interpretation problems.  Show stopper and I are not buddies by any means, but I do have a respect for many of the things that he and I have discussed over the years.  No, we have not always agreed.  We don't have to.

MAB3462, you have had the privilege of being a part of a fantastic bull that is in the very beginning stages of building a legacy.  You are part of potentially the greatest Monopoly son that will ever walk this earth.  I will rephrase potentially to PROBABLY.  I have nothing but respect for the fact that you are defending your product and your hard work.  There is nothing that anyone can say to you or about MAB that is going to change the fact that his offspring are dominating show rings all across the country.  Maybe he does or doesn't work for slick shows.  Who cares one way or another?  That isn't what he is supposed to do.  That isn't what Monopoly is supposed to do either.  At the end of the day, you have been part of something that only a small handful of people have had the opportunity to do.  I would give anything to have that opportunity.  You are the winner in the court of opinion....the customers have spoken. 

I appreciate you weighing in on this thread.



Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
I have seen several mab calves this year.  Some I like some I dont. The ones I have liked can move ok but the ones I don't like have been either unsound or sloppy fronted.  He has a place in producing show steers and market heifers but I am concerned on how the daughters will be as cows.  They do have great dispositions and are usually good for young kids to show.  I think he word best on simmy,red angus and shorthorn cows. I have had one calf by him and it was a th calf that I had to put down but that was my fault.  He was out of an immortal daughter so I will not make that mistake again.  If used on long necked smooth shouldered cows sound cows good things can happen.