Depends on how good your sale is, and what you spend on a steer and feed, whether or not you can break even. Some places, the sale's so soft you prob'ly don't have much chance, some places it's good enough that anybody ought to be able to make money. Very few places you can make money at a county show with a $7500 steer and $18 a bag show feed, though. Find out what the premium sale steers bring and do the math before you start. In most places you can break even, or even make money, if you do it right
Yeah, premium sales often don't seem fair. Call it politics if that makes you happy, but it's just life. If I spent a couple hundred thousand at the local implement dealer over the past year, and they're a regular buyer at the county premium sale, you'd better believe that I'm going to expect them to bid on my kids calf. And if I spent that much there, I spent a pile of money at the Co-op, and the insurance agency, and ran no telling how many dollars through the bank, then I expect their support, too. And they can't afford to let me down... We're not that family, but we spread our money around among the businesses that do support the premium sale, and they support our kids - maybe it's only a $20 add on, but that's okay, those add up. If you want to get me started on unfair distribution of premiums, we can get into why it is that buyers give as much for the last goat in the sale as for a breed champion steer... (too much equality???)