Hi again,
To answer your questions....
1) As far as sexed Climax semen, we will not be offering anymore for sale until the Royal Edge sale next January. For those not farmiliar with the sexing process, it runs about 5-10% of your total conventional collection. (For instance: 100 straws of conventional will yield 5-10 units of sexed semen). For a bull that produces an astrological amount of semen and catches up on conventional quickly, it makes sense. In Climax's case, we are in the 1st full year of selling his semen and are trying to stockpile as much as possible. We collected Maximus for almost a year straight the sexed route and we suddenly lost him in April. Don't want that to happen again!
2) Red- Mama's Boy calves were much anticipated this past spring. The expectations were more than met and we were pleased to have him prove himself as a calving ease sire. BW between 65-80#. Have yet to hear of a calf being pulled. The bull is really proving to work on many types, from angus to simi based, maine based and maybe his best cross is on those clubby bred cows and heifers. Many baldies with great style!
Hope I've answered your questions.
Thank you