I have never promoted Leroy as being a heifer bull, but I know some people have used him on heifers.I have not heard any horror stories, and usually bad news calving stories travel very fast. I am hesitant to tell anyone that Leroy is safe for any heifer, as so many things affect birth weight and calving ease besides the sire. Things like enviroment, feed, exercise, and genetics of the heifers, can affect the birth weight as much as the sire, but the sire always seems to get the blame. I have only calved two heifers to leroy, and they were moderate BW and born easily. On my cows, most Leroy calves are in the 90 to 100 lb range ( keeping in mind that calves here in the North can weigh as much as 10 to 15 lb more at birth than identical calves in the southern US. )
One of my favorite bulls to use on heifers is Shadybrook Optimum 75F . He was bred here at our farm and was sold in dam to Shadybrook. Semex purchased him and he was mainly sold in South America and he was used in many commercial herds and dairy herds in Eastern Canada. I know they had semen in the US but I don't think he was ever promoted much. What I like about him, is his calves are born easily, they are all polled, they are eye appealing attractive calves and you end up with a calf that is marketable, along with a heifer that re breeds quickly. We have one Optimum bull selling in our Sun Country bull sale on April 19th . He was born unassisted from a small framed heifer, yet he has developed into one of our best bulls in the sale. To me, that is what you want from your heifers. I have attached a picture of Optimum. He may be worth a phone call to Semex to see if they still have him in stock.