Move Obama out of the WHITE HOUSE

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
The fact of the matter is a vote for just about anyone other than Romney is a vote FOR Obama.  If there was a viable 3rd party candidate it would be worth a long drawnout discussion, but there isn't.  If you don't want Obama in the Whitehouse then Romney is the one you have to vote for.  Knabe, I get a kick out of a lot of what you post and agree with most of it, but on this I believe you are wrong to vote for Gary Johnson.  Too much is riding on this election.  I was not a Romney fan in the beginning, but the more I have learned about him I think he is the right man in the right place.  We just need to give him a chance to turn our economy around.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
If I'm not mistaken Knabe lives in California, his vote, like mine will be futile. He could vote for Mickey Mouse it won't matter, to many big cities and people living off of the government teat for anybody but a democrat to win. Remember they reelected Moonbeam Brown, who is pushing for a high speed rail to run from Fresno to no where at a price of like 12 billion dollars. So he can have a legacy of his own.

We have other things to vote for here though,
Prop 37 Labeling of food with Genetically Engineered Ingredients (lawyers just cant wait for this one)
Prop 30 Raise sales tax 1/4 plus some other taxes increases hidden in the bill.
Prop 38 Raise every bodies taxes some more and hire more bureaucrats to miss manage it. A progressive increase depending on your income.

I will vote, how much good it will do, I don't know


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
CA is 60 40 Obama and may be more so voting for someone else actually does make mt vote count.
And the train is 100billion.
Amounts to a lot of union jobs. It's a voting/payback tool, not a transportation tool.
It will be a tool for high density housing. In sanfrancisco they either did or are trying to reduce the minimum square feet necessary for a single dwelling down to around 1000 sq ft.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
I tend to agree with you moezmom, even though I live in New Mexico and remember Gary Johnson as our governor and he did a good job! I am afraid it would be essentially a vote for obama. Johnson did a really good job balancing our state budget and limited the size of government as much as he could. Our state is very heavily democrat.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
One more thing. I would warn people to be careful about being swayed by polls. I am half afraid that some of that info is not accurate at all. I have not been asked to take any polls but my wife was called and she had the time so she wanted to see what it was about. She said it was so swayed it was ridiculous. There were questions like "would you vote for a candidate the would destroy the environment?". I am sure this is not indicative of all of them but I know we dont always get the whole story.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
kidsandkows said:
he believes in the private sector, and I also have a lot more faith in the private sector running something successfully than I do our gov.

Not sure is the private sector is the be-all, end-all solution either to Americas problems.  Enron, Worldcom, ADM, Monsanto, Barclay, Goldman Sacs, Exxon, are just a few names that come to mind.  I think balance is needed in either direction.  Do I like Congress making decisions for me?  But  not sure if I want the companies listed above making decisions for me either.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The private sector would have taken care of those companies long ago but they were allowed to grow by excessive preferential regulation and treatment.  Some regulation is needed and consolidation is not always a bad thing because this actually spawns innovation but people don't understand this and ignore historical example after example.

Read bastiat and the broken window parable.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
ZNT said:
kidsandkows said:
he believes in the private sector, and I also have a lot more faith in the private sector running something successfully than I do our gov.

Not sure is the private sector is the be-all, end-all solution either to Americas problems.  Enron, Worldcom, ADM, Monsanto, Barclay, Goldman Sacs, Exxon, are just a few names that come to mind.  I think balance is needed in either direction.  Do I like Congress making decisions for me?  But  not sure if I want the companies listed above making decisions for me either.

The private sector does have the ability to get the economy going if it is not over regulated by the government. We have to have government for lots of things, military, highway infrastructure, immigration, etc.. Unfortunately taxes is a necessary evil for all of those things but there are much better options for taxes then our present system.

Our Ag industry what would it be today if the government had not became involved back in the 60's? If the government had not said we produce to much and started regulating what and how much we raised. If the Ag industry had been allowed to do its own bidding, export and import. We can only guess where we would be but I believe we would have been so much better off today then what we are. We call this the land of the free and yes we are free to do so much but our freedoms are restricted by government to the point we really don't know what we could be if we it weren't for the regulations.

We are fortunate to live in the greatest country on earth right now but I don't believe that President Obama believes that it is and he would rather be in total control as a dictator and that is outrageous. He has to be defeated in November before he distroys our country as we know it.

Sorry for the rant!


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
Mtnman its ok, I tend to rant too! But I agree with you. But I agree with you too ZNT we need a balance, and we need reasonable people in office to make those decisions on what is balanced and what is not. I guess I am not sure that any of the elected officials when they get up there are very reasonable or "in touch with the real world" might be a better way to put it. But I would say that I think that Romney is a lot closer than Obama. I just dont have any faith in a person that has never worked a real job, to be "in touch with my real world" where I have worked most of my life including a lot as a child. I know supporters will say that he was a community organizer and a senator etc, but I dont consider those real world jobs.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough to those who have too little."  FDR
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are rich"  JFK
"My job is not to worry about those people"  Mitt 

Nuff said


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
The quote was at a rally talking about his campaign, not what he thinks his job is going to be as president. He is saying he will try to convince people who dont depend on the government to VOTE for him. And that his job in this campaign is to not try to sway the ones dependant on the government. But I understand that we all interpret things differently! I am okay with that.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
stick said:
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough to those who have too little."  FDR
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are rich"  JFK
"My job is not to worry about those people"  Mitt 

Nuff said

#1 the top two quotes say "we" and "society" NOT GOVERNMENT.  I am happy to help my fellow man who is down.  I donate food, clothing and time to the organizations that I believe are doing the job.  My government's job is NOT to take my hard-earned money and give it to whomever they think deserves it.  That is MY and my community's job. 

#2 Mr. Romney's entire statement , if I remember correctly, was something to the effect of we need to care about the middle class because there are programs to help those that are at or below the poverty line.  He said he didn't need to worry about them because WE ALREADY HAVE PROGRAMS in place to help them.  He worries about the middle class who are struggling to fill their gas tank and buy groceries because the tanking economy is pulling them down.

Wish I was more eloquent but this is the best I've got right now.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
And when it is a requirement for the people that have lived on our hard earned money that the government puts in there pocket to help them have to start doing a monthly drug test then I will complain less about my money going to welfare programs. There are millions of people in this country that have to take drug test to keep their job and yet people on welfare can get food stamps and a check and there is no consequence for them doing illegal activity.

A little off sunject but another item that our government will never fix regardless of who is in power!


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2011
I'm watching the Presidential Debate (argue) right now and Mitt is slaughtering Obama! GO MITT ROMNEY!!!!  (clapping)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
stick said:
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough to those who have too little."   FDR
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are rich"   JFK
"My job is not to worry about those people"   Mitt 

Nuff said

key word in FDR quote is enough.  he who has bills does not have enough in some's eyes.  he who doesn't have a subsidy or tax break doesn't have enough.  he who doesn't have enough votes gives money that isn't theirs doesn't have enough.  there are some who don't work enough.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Mitt did a wonderful job last night.  Obama acted like a whipped pup.  Can't wait to see Ryan whip Biden's rear!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
We need to start concentrating on our congress. We need to get term limits on these guys and start holding them accountable for their bull crap. I am to the point that the only way a president matters is if he is really good or really bad. Yes Obama is really bad and needs to go, I just don't think Mitt is going to be really good. I like what he says I just don't believe him.

I do wonder>>> Mitt keeps saying he will cut corporate tax rates to stimulate growth but in the same breath cut out loop holes in the tax code to keep the same tax revenue as to balance the budget.  If your cutting tax rates(pay less taxes more to spend on expansion) but then cut loop holes (keeps same taxes coming in to reduce debt) does this not mean corporate America will pay the same amount or does his calculation include the added income of more jobs in the economy from the growth stimulated. 


No president in the modern era has been elected with a 8  percent unemployment rate. Obama is lost on every subject. U can tell he has never ran a business and is a profesional politician.has he ever had a job......? Iam a Dem but will vote Romney. Dumbo wants to turn America into a free ride. He is the worst president since Jimmy Carter.  Bring back Hillary Clinton,until then I will support mitt, he is a proven leader in business( success documented) and was a productive gov. Of mass.  What has Dumbo accomplished in his life........... Nothing,