My New Heifer Update *Pics*

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
i have seen this heifer in person and i wouldnt say that she is steery in her head but i wouldnt say she is all to feminine in her head....the rest of her body is feminine though and shes a good heifer


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
Why do we even show heifers (especially in Canada) if we are not looking for them to be good cows?  All of the characteristics that are desired in the show ring, pertain to being a good (LOOKING) cow.  Nobody knows whether a 700lb heifer will ever grow up to be productive, maternal, and flushable.  I, as a judge, look for lenth, refinement, broodiness, width of base, hip, top, and rib, and overall "natural thickness" (Not fat/artificial thickness).  How is this not looking for good Cow material?


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Bawndoh said:
Why do we even show heifers (especially in Canada) if we are not looking for them to be good cows?  All of the characteristics that are desired in the show ring, pertain to being a good (LOOKING) cow.  Nobody knows whether a 700lb heifer will ever grow up to be productive, maternal, and flushable.  I, as a judge, look for lenth, refinement, broodiness, width of base, hip, top, and rib, and overall "natural thickness" (Not fat/artificial thickness).  How is this not looking for good Cow material?
That is what you look for in a cow, but there are many variables that have nothing whatsoever to do with how a cow looks.  The top donor in our herd never stood better than the middle of her class showing, she continued to improve as she aged and she really clicked with some of the bulls we used her on, 2 of her calves have won the bred and owned Nation Jr. Maine steer show.  One of the top show heifers we couldn't get to breed, sent to to Trans Ova and they couldn't get an egg out of her so we finally ate her.  My favorite cow we produced we have never been able to find anything that clicks with her, she had average calves out of everything we tried, she is a 12 year old recip, there is absolutely no way to know at 700# what you have and I don't think you can establish donor material until you have a calf on the ground.  She is a very nice heifer, be happy with that and see how things go.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Jill said:
Bawndoh said:
Why do we even show heifers (especially in Canada) if we are not looking for them to be good cows?  All of the characteristics that are desired in the show ring, pertain to being a good (LOOKING) cow.  Nobody knows whether a 700lb heifer will ever grow up to be productive, maternal, and flushable.  I, as a judge, look for lenth, refinement, broodiness, width of base, hip, top, and rib, and overall "natural thickness" (Not fat/artificial thickness).  How is this not looking for good Cow material?
That is what you look for in a cow, but there are many variables that have nothing whatsoever to do with how a cow looks.  The top donor in our herd never stood better than the middle of her class showing, she continued to improve as she aged and she really clicked with some of the bulls we used her on, 2 of her calves have won the bred and owned Nation Jr. Maine steer show.  One of the top show heifers we couldn't get to breed, sent to to Trans Ova and they couldn't get an egg out of her so we finally ate her.  My favorite cow we produced we have never been able to find anything that clicks with her, she had average calves out of everything we tried, she is a 12 year old recip, there is absolutely no way to know at 700# what you have and I don't think you can establish donor material until you have a calf on the ground.  She is a very nice heifer, be happy with that and see how things go.

probably the best thing jill has ever written.