Timeline is owned by 7 breeders other than myself. I kept and interest when I sold him, and own an equal share with the others. The commercial man who purchased a share, is one of our best bull buyers, and he buys 7 - 10 bulls a year. He purchased 9 bulls in our Sun Country Bull Sale that averaged over $3550. He likes good bulls and he really likes what Shorthorns bulls are doing on his mainly Angus X cows. He does not AI any cows but he purchased a share... just because he liked the bull and he wanted to have some fun ( his words not mine). I have only had two Timeline calves myself, as I have not AI'd any cows in the past two years except for the ET we do. Last year we flushed 18 donors through the summer. I will be flushing some more donors to Timeline this year. As a yearling, Timeline was used in four herds naturally. As a two year old he was used in one herd, as the group decided they would like to show him. His show career is now over and he will see much more use. Our one Timeline son is doing very good in our bull test, indexing 111 for ADG and 116 for WPDA, after 56 days on test. He looks much like Timeline did at that age only may be thicker made.
There is also an Angus bull test held at the same place where our bull test it. For the third year now, the Shorthorns have out gained the Angus and did this on less pounds of feed.... significantly less feed. I find it interesting how different areas have different preferences in what are acceptable feeder cattle. Here where I live, Shorthorn and Shorthorn crosses are not discounted, even the roans and whites... providing they are thick and have some fleshing ability. This is greatly helping us get more and more people willing to consider using Shorthorn bulls again.