I hope that the 4-H and FFA national organizations get on the stick and speak out against these proposed new laws. This will effectively eliminate 4-H and FFA as we now know it.
It would be impossible to enforce this law on an individual basis, however, it is highly likely that you would be criminally liable in the event that your child was injured or killed on your farm doing work that is prohibited by this law. In Missouri, by law, when a child is killed in an accident it is reviewed by a panel to determine if there was any criminal activity or if it was strictly an accident. So don't think that this law would not have far reaching effects on families.
Big Brother knows best how to raise our next generation of do nothing, overweight, no work ethic, slackers. I guess the employment agencies and head hunters that have always preferred to hire individuals with a farm background were discriminating against the rest of the population and our government is leveling the field.