Obama Nation

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
The new national anthem...



Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
kanshow said:
you want but America has spoken!
 Check the popular vote.... there wasn't that big of a difference.   

You also might want to check some history.. re: the mess the Clinton years put us in or how about those Carter years??     Another thing..   have you ever stopped to think where all this money is coming from that Obama is going to spend?   Right out of your pocket.

Popular vote is over 7 million.  Greatest margin of victory since Clinton won by 8 million in 1996.  Remember 2000 popular vote?  Gore won, but he still lost the election.  2004 popular vote was about 3 million.

We've got a new president elect now, and my opinion is that he will not be nearly as bad as what some on here have predicted/are predicting.  It's going to take time to fix this country, and hopefully our new president will be given the opportunity.  Bush was given 8 years to attempt this fix, and now it's Obama's turn.
If things do go as bad as predicted on here, just remember there are Congressional elections in 2 years, and our great country does have checks and balances instituted by our founding fathers for a reason.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2008
9605 weston rd custar, ohio 43511
We as a nation need to let our new president have a chance to fix things,  John McCain is agood man just in the wrong place at the very wrong time, he patiently waited his turn only to find that Bush was so hated and has poisoned the water hole that John really had no chance, it is a testimate to his history and character that he did as well as he did.
Today I am happy as we as a country have a new leader and the hope that things will get better, for those of you who supported McCain I understand your dissapointment but today it time to get OVER IT, and join hands with all to make this country better.  For those of you who want to sulk and still call names please GROW UP.  Just like any football game some of the fans will go home happy, some sad, but we will all be back next week to do our jobs, love our families and country.
Who knows 4 years from now we make look back and say that Obama has done a good job and deserves 4 more years, in this country anything is possible


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
This is what happens when so many uniformed voters get out and vote.
One of the stations was interviewing some college kid & he said it was 50/50 for either candidate THEN he heard Obama say he was FOR a playoff system for football and that changed his mind.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
Rice TX
It is pretty disturbing when several folks being interviewed after voting stated they voted for Obama to make history, Wow! Lets vote for someone to make history.

Let me share with you all another election that occurred a few years ago. A candidate running for president stated that we need Change, to spread the wealth, to punish the rich, to punish big oil, to reclaim fairness. This candidate won the presidency. His name is Hugo Chavez and he is now president (dictator) of Venezuela. This is the same Chavez that Barak wants to make friends with. Now in Venezuela oil has been nationalized, landowners lost their land to the poor (redistribution of land), the rich are gone, the economy is gone, the constitution has been rewritten, free speech has been destroyed, and he is now a dictator, opposition is jailed or killed. I watch a lot of Spanish television and witnessed the speeches leading up to the election of Chavez. He was very charismatic, always spoke of doing whats right for the people, always stated that he rich needed to pay more in taxes, complained about oil company profits. The Obama speeches reminded me a lot of the Chavez speeches, lets hope the end result is different.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
buckeye said:
Well if you think Bush did such a great job please wake up and McCain would follow in the same trend as Bush, continue to hurt our economy. I am glad it will done over with very shortly! you people can say what you want but America has spoken!  <hero>

simple talking points.  amazing clarity.

oprah had a similar observation in a moment of brilliant clarity.  we are as united today as we were on 9/11.  it's factually incorrect.

obama will be bush on steroids.  what part of obama's plan will create private sector jobs after the givewaways dry up.  how many stimulus plans can one possibly do without driving up inflation?

the president is not supposed to fix anything.  americans are supposed to fix things.  the president protects the right for americans to fix things.

get your brown shirts ready.

impeach obama.  won with dirty money and dirty votes and a dirty background that is sealed.  it took him 15 minutes to vote.  what a grandstander.  i bet he couldn't find the "present" option and asked if he could just write it in.

8 years of bush hate, conspiracy, bush lied people died.  turnabout's fair play.  of course the left will cry bigot, racist etc.  this will be the end of empty charges as it will wear thin, but not before the soft equivalent of brown shirts impose speech codes.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I just kicked Killer Kitty.

Couldn't believe that Ohio went to him.

All i can do is think that the Lord has done this for a reason that we just don't know.



Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Uninformed is right, did you hear the one quote from the lady at a BO rally, " I am so happy that I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, or paying my mortgage, he is going to make sure I am OK." There is someone who will be greatly disappointed shortly.
I can not apologize enough for the way my state votes, but it has been that way for quite some time.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
  :'( :'(  Sorry Zach....I promised after the 4th we wouldn't talk politics, but how can you not talk about it NOW!!!  This morning when I woke up I felt like I had just woke from a REALLY BAD NIGHTMARE!!!  God Bless the USA and God help us now!!  Lisa


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
America finally proved that what we have been taught all these years is that any body from any back ground can grow up to be president is true.But history will prove thats not a good thing.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
mooch said:
America finally proved that what we have been taught all these years is that any body from any back ground can grow up to be president is true.But history will prove thats not a good thing.

does that include an aborted fetus?



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I found this interesting. throughout the campaigns they kept saying that the race card would not be played. However last night & this morning all I heard was how he is the first African American to achieve this position.

If a Republican that was black ran & I agreed w/ his beliefs I would have voted for him. To me the race issue had no bearing, it was what he believed in, who he associated with & what he said during speeches.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
Proverbs 14:30

Let peace enter your heart. Look forward and not back. As others have said, join hands as a nation and move forward

Ya all may think I am corny, but, think how those who voted gore in the last election or the elections throught out history. There has to be  winner and there has to be loser. Make the best of what has been handed to us.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Simmymom1 said:
  :'( :'(   Sorry Zach....I promised after the 4th we wouldn't talk politics, but how can you not talk about it NOW!!!  This morning when I woke up I felt like I had just woke from a REALLY BAD NIGHTMARE!!!  God Bless the USA and God help us now!!  Lisa

I woke up this morning with a migraine!   Thanks to better living through chemistry, I am beginning to think straight and start the worrying that the next 4 years will bring.  How will I pay the higher income tax, capital gains on the heifers I keep, how on earth will I pay the estate taxes and keep my parent's ranch in the family.  ..... and pay for the unemployed and newly empowered and Entitled people's food stamps, travel stipends, free mortgages, universal healthcare, etc.etc.   It is mind blowing.  Time for the taxpayers to tighten our own belts so we can pay everyone elses way too.  

Maybe between the hours of 9pm and 2 am, I can get a second job so everyone else can stay warm, fed, and comfy.  ARGGHHH!


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2008
clarington, ohio
I am glad Ohio voted Obama and knew we would! I know some of you people will continue to keep talking about you cant believe that Obama wont, but in all reality did you actually think McCain had a chance in this election? Actually Obama wasnt my first choice, Hillary was my choice! But there was no way I would vote for McCain, I felt he was a terrible canidate!


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  What I really think happened is that the spread between the haves and have nots  has gotten bigger and more and more PPL are having to rob Peter to pay Paul and are struggling to make ends meet. When the number of have nots gets bigger than the halves and they come out to vote you're going to have CHANGE or @ least the hope that things may change for their own situations. I would venture a guess that all of us on this board know more than one family that is, or has been struggling for some time trying to make ends meet. I for one do not want this country to be one  divided of haves and have nots. I also want those struggling to keep up their fight and wish that we could find a way to give them a hand up while they are still trying hard instead of thinking that we are better B/C we have a little more than they may have. Please keep an open mind and give this new administration a chance for change to possibly work. One thing that you will all have to admit is that Obama is not even in office yet and he has given a speech that was more impressive than any that I have ever heard George give, but then some PPL are gifted that way  and we'll see what CHANGES we're in for. I would have to say that John McCain is a very good man and gave a very, very impressive concession speech. I sure wish that he had been the GOP candidate in 2000. He would have been a good president if not a great one. Brent


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
change = race.  nothing else.  it's the new religion.  notice the word believe.

nothing is being handed to "us".  it's being taken from us with a tight grip around our wrists.

joining hands with socialism is a joke and i won't do it. 

no need to comprimise with thieves.  if you do, you become one.

i knew mccain wouldn't have a chance.  said month's ago DL was right.  mccain is an idiot and needs to be purged as quickly as possible.  he couldn't wait to say "we need to comprimise" as quickly as possible.  what a fool.  the man does not have one economic principle.  the pasture is calling.

the republicans keep making the same stupid mistake the democrats used to make of getting in line to run.  the trouble is, that escalater is moving backwards, and the bench can get no experience and exposure.  mccain was outspent 5:1,  and suffered the consequences of his STUPID campaign finance reform.  of course he's toooooooooooooo stupid to see it.  the rest of theparty is too.  allowing democrats to vote in the primary is stupid too.  republicans deserve to rot in their own feces.  purge purge purge as quickly as possible.  course they won't, mitch mcconnell is still there with his dorky looks, his dorky glasses, his dorky teeth, his dorky bribes.  democrats slobber all over themselves every time that guy gets air time.  now that politics has finally become so condensed around image, the only republican image is of an inefficient vote buyer rather than an opportunity maker.

with the media and the schools basically 90% liberal, of course they will beat it into your brain that the difference between the have's and the have not's is great.  kids and "poor" people will spend 50-100/month on a cell phone, cable TV, internet, rims, you name it and complain they don't have money.  they get on a commercial with obama and complain times are tough with their new cars, 3000 sq ft house etc.  poor people in america have better than ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.  i notice NOT ONE EUROPEAN COUNTRY HAS A LEADER WHO ISN'T WHITE.  how progressive.

yesterday, i just became a little greedier, and will choose where i spend and invest and hide my money a little more selectively.  where you spend and invest your money has a larger effect on helping people than any government program.  we are creating more dependent people, not less.  help those who need it.  we don't need 45% and growing, especially under obama's plan to 50% who don't pay federal income taxes.  just wait till that number gets higher and they vote themselves more benefits and less taxes.  maybe we can give them a card to not pay sales tax too.  we already have socialism and it's killing everything.  and all everyone does is add to the tally.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
:(   Ummmmm....As promised,here is a picture of my family this morning after we got everything loaded into the truck and trailer.  I don't know if you can see us in the crowd of vehicles, but we are there.  Ha Ha  ( We will be there soon JIT!!)


  • cananda_2.jpg
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
I hope you Obama supporters are in line to pay my bills when I lose my job.  Time to be american and pay up.  

McCain, although a great guy, was not my first choice either, but better then Obama.  Ohio may have gone blue, but the county I live in whent RED!
