buckeye said:
I am glad Ohio voted Obama and knew we would! I know some of you people will continue to keep talking about you cant believe that Obama wont, but in all reality did you actually think McCain had a chance in this election? Actually Obama wasnt my first choice, Hillary was my choice! But there was no way I would vote for McCain, I felt he was a terrible canidate!
Buckeye, I have two questions for you. First how old are you? And second, have you ever had any portion of your brain removed?
I was appalled to know that people in the midwest do not share the same moral values as those of us in the south, FL is not in the south, btw. And when I see the people who post here, I have another question, if you people in the midwest didn't vote for him, just who did?
And another thing, if you listened to his acceptance speech, the whole thing was about race. It was all about "righting" all the wrongs that have "gone on for so long." If you have anything, he's gonna try to take it and give it to someone who doesn't. Or at least that's what he said he would do, knowing that Americans are so fed up and so down that many would welcome a Robin Hood message. Another thing is that we voted like there was no other issue at stake other than the economy and the hard times many are facing. Also it showed why the founding fathers feared that the electorate were not capable of making a good decision regarding leadership of the country. Thomas Jefferson is now somewhere saying "I told you so." A second grader should be able to figure out that taxing corporations above the second highest corporate tax rate in the world will only do 1 of two things. Either make them move out of the country or raise the prices on their goods or services. ANYBODY should know that corporations do not pay taxes, they just raise their prices so that we pay them. Unbelievable.
Lastly they keep saying the educated white voters were the main demographic that supported him. That, along with the fact that Bill Ayers is allowed to be a professor in an American university, shows you how liberal our universities have become. Boggles my mind.