I think I have around 20 units, I used some a few years ago for a flush. Someday I hope to have some extra cows to put them in. It has more info on the straws, but I don't like to handle them if I absolutely don't have to.
I know a lot about Sir Destiny. My Dad raised him, and we traded bulls with Wayne McKee for many many years. I have three calves sired by Sir Destiny on the ground right now, the two heifers are really impressive. Sir Destiny was sired by Cunias Image, he was sired by Destiny, he was sired by Goliaths Dollar.
Wayne and I both still have semen on Sir Destiny, and surprising to me, the birthweights are in the 80s.To my knowledge I am the only one with Destiny semen, and I fully believe he is a fullblood, and would definitely like to work with someone to propagate more fullbloods.
I will see if my Mom has some pictures of Destiny. I find it amazing what they kept, there are boxes and boxes of pedigrees.