one thing you could change

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
RH said:
At a steer show this year the judge said everytime I look at steer that is that stout and big bodied,.. I just cringe thinking about calving those kind out..... WHAT?!?
thats one thats an excuse to put one persons kid infront of another.. its comments like those that can really get under somebodys skin.. that is one of the more interesting posts on here


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
I will say we had an excellent judge this year at the county fair.  He gave excellent reasons and something I found interesting was had each kid into the mic tell what made his or her animal the one to beat.  He also had each kid tell what they would improve on their animal.  It was interesting to hear the kids comments and then the judge use some of those same reasons when he placed the class.  My son in talking about his gilt said, "She is long, deep, level and balances well front to back and top to bottom.  I would like to add a little power to he over all makeup."  He was spot on with his analysis.  Another kid said this pig is hard to beat when he is going away from you.  He struggles a little as he comes towards you being a little narrow on the chest floor.  I think by and large the kids know what is in their projects and letting them take the time to explain makes it that much easier when a judge uses those words in the reasons.  I agree sometimes the reasons come off half baked and a little contrived but lest we all be too critical I suggest that we take up the mantle of judge.  It is tough to give good reasons that are clear, concise and still complete enough to satisfy the animals down the line.  LF


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
Being fairly new (8 yrs) showing cattle and hogs, I find the reasons a wonderful learning tool and always try and tune into them.  That being said...dare I say it...I hate to hear bullsh!&.  I learn the most from the judges that give concise reasons as to why they have the animals sorted their way.  DO NOT LIKE  when the judge back peddles as says the steer in 3rd has the best conditioning and overall balance and they say the steer in 2nd needs a few more weeks to be finished but is compatible in structure and kind with the 3rd place steer.  What does that mean?!?!  I always thought they should judge for that day not for weeks ahead.  So kudos to the judges that are able to give reasons that although I might not agree, are able to articulate to the crowd why they put them in that order.

forbes family farms

Well-known member
May 30, 2009
Iowa Lone Tree
hevmando said:
In MN you have to earn a trip to the state fair and for early fairs, you need a backup pig for the state fair as our county fair is a terminal show.  Had a friends son earn a trip a few years ago with a commercial barrow, nothing fancy, but a productive animal.  His backup animal was the same type.  His first trip to the state fair and he has the judge say over the speaker "This animal does not deserve to be in the ring today."  The boy has never taken another animal to the state fair.  Sometimes I wonder what we adults are trying to teach our youth.

Wow that's a harsh one!


Aug 17, 2010
I used to bash on judges all the time until I got behind the mic and started doing.  No arguement that some guys rationale does not make sense all the time behind some of the stuff they do.  That is why I like guys and I try myself to make sure I can keep everyone on the same page.  One thing some people fail to realize is the every class is different and sometimes it seems as if they are back tracking on their word, but to them the way they placed it makes the most sense and they hopefully go about justifying correctly.  Judging a show is much tougher than people want to admit, but even if you disagree with them try and see if they at least made sense of it and went about doing credibly.  I do not like using all those big words to describe cattle, but I do try and be honest which sometimes gets me into trouble, but if you have one that is too straight or hard in my opinion I'm going to tell you for your knowledge to have so you do not go and pick one exactly like that next time.  However, lke I said that gets flipped around into me being a bad person and hating on the kids.  Saying, "this one doesn't belong" is way too far out of bounds and stupid for a judge to say and I would hope someone would step in and take care of it.  I know I rambled, but it is what it is...


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
Traveling 900 miles to a junior show just to end up in the last slot, because that was how my son and his heifer were lined up, after he pulled the top 5 out and saying he didn't have time to place the rest of the 12 head class. Well I had enough time to travel that far and sit there for 5 days to at least get a real placing and a short reason why. And I am sorry that my son and his heifer were such an inconvenience.

farmin female

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2009
One term that drives me crazy is "fresh".  What is that all about?  It means something different to every person out there and most of the time I think judges use it as a filler when nothing else jumps out at them.  

Also had one of those crazy pig judges say that we had a gilt that was to short necked and therefore "unattractive to others of her kind" in a market class.  Someone should tell the boars.....

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I stood second one year because the judge said the heifer didn't have enough "panache" (not even sure if that is a word)....

But, I show in 2 days, so I am sure I will hear several!!! 


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
"I would pick this one for GC if she had papers". I heard that one twice, both at county and again at state fair. Here she is at 11 years old. THe one who beat her was sold at 6 years of age.


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
At our last show the judge referred to heifers on more than one occasion as "voluminous", found that to be somewhat entertaining!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2009
when a judge gets to the Simmental division and says all these great things about class winners and cattle and then constantly says "sure wish i could clean the front end up" or not clean fronted enough",  i mean if you are selected to judge a show it means you have some sort of knowledge of cattle and the business so wouldn't you know that simmis are not super cool fronted or trim necked....



Well-known member
May 16, 2010
Dietrich, ID
The worst thing a judge can ever do in my book is just sit back and look. We've had judges who never put their hands on one calf the whole day. Then at the end of the class comment on how finished or how much cover the calf has. How in the heck does he know how much fat is over those ribs ???


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2009
Edwardsburg, Mi
My big complaint is when a judge says that they didn't use an animal because they couldn't find one to go with it. Pick the best animal and then the second best, wether they look alike or not.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
Silver said:
The worst thing a judge can ever do in my book is just sit back and look. We've had judges who never put their hands on one calf the whole day. Then at the end of the class comment on how finished or how much cover the calf has. How in the heck does he know how much fat is over those ribs ???

prospect show or finish show?  Big difference.  In a prospect show I don't usually handle them, later in the year, you need to handle them. 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
Sask, Canada
jalebe said:
My big complaint is when a judge says that they didn't use an animal because they couldn't find one to go with it. Pick the best animal and then the second best, wether they look alike or not.
Have to agree with you here. A year ago in spring at a junior show, judge commented to people after show that a roan could not go with a black. Why not? They seem to go together and cross fine at our farm!
Two weeks ago a friend of ours told us his uncle's saying was "When in doubt DUMP the Shorthorn", and unfortunately too often that is true.


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
Dietrich, ID
BadgerFan said:
Silver said:
The worst thing a judge can ever do in my book is just sit back and look. We've had judges who never put their hands on one calf the whole day. Then at the end of the class comment on how finished or how much cover the calf has. How in the heck does he know how much fat is over those ribs ???

prospect show or finish show?  Big difference.  In a prospect show I don't usually handle them, later in the year, you need to handle them. 

Sorry, was talking about a terminal show.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
lets see, "this heifer stands at the top of her class, shes sound, powerfull  and will go on to do great things, but she just doesn’t have the hair to win..." O waiter I need another plate of hair..."

Best one yet, I had about ten-12 years ago. All of my animals where on the bottom of their class....and heres why " these cattle are just to deep and to short legged, they wont be able to get around the pasture or traval long distances." her 'ideal' cattle where taller then the Holsteins with NO gut.

On the flip side, I had a local show a few years back that has about 80 head in total. the ring Stuart messed up and told me only first would come back for the final drive. It was quite hot that day so I started washing the adhesive outa him. well here comes the ring Stuart running up to me and asking me to come back to the ring along with the other second placers who where just done blowing out there’s. I felt like crud waling in the ring with a soaking flat haired steer till the judge slapped him res. supreme. His reason "Wet or dry this guy demands respect."


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Besides being inaccurate with their reasons, saying one is thicker when it is obviously not for example, my pet peeve is recent judging team member spewing canned reasons that could be used for ANY 8 animals that were brought into the ring. Just as they have been taught. Sometimes the reasons could even be used with different species. Makes my blood boil  ;D


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
farmin female said:
One term that drives me crazy is "fresh".  What is that all about?  It means something different to every person out there and most of the time I think judges use it as a filler when nothing else jumps out at them.  

Also had one of those crazy pig judges say that we had a gilt that was to short necked and therefore "unattractive to others of her kind" in a market class.  Someone should tell the boars.....

fresh around here means a young animal that is growing fast and hasn't been held.  I agree with you on the multiple meanings, and that is where a judge should explain their language.  I will agree with people on here though that judging is tough, but I love a good explanation from judges, it helps kids learn.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
at the end of the day, she combines the most good.  this always sounds to me like the judge is judging against animals at another fair.