I was once told that my heifer was too deep in the flank....... Was a very growths heifer that I did not expect to win the class with for a variety of reasons, being too deep was not one of them
My last year showing FFA, I had raised a purebred limi steer. He was going to be a light weight from the day he was born, smallish framed cow so we managed him to make fair at his ideal weight...... He weighed I in December light, low 400s I think, we fed him out and he was perfect on show day, about 1100 pounds with a adg over 3.3. In a class of five, two did not make minimum weight, the other two needed to be 1300+ to be finished and had gained less then 2.5. We're flat muscled and fine boned..... Standing in the holding area I knew I had the class won..... We stood third. "This calf is the heaviest muscled, most properly finished and structurally correct but lacks the frame to go on to heavier weights and does not match the type of cattle I have been picking today" then look at the top two, ". I would like to see some more muscle and bone I. These two, but I feel that with another 60-90 days on feed they would hang a nice carcass......" I remember making eye contact with the beef superintendent and his jaw was on the arena sawdust........... Watching the championship drive I really think we could have been in the hunt for reserve, apparently "the type of cattle I have been picking today" was code for black as out of the 30+ steers and heifers to make the drive the only non black was heifer that came out stood second in a class of four in which there was a Charolais and two reds.........