I would like to know what the EPDs are like on this cow, what needs improving, and where you plan on taking her. Do you want replacement females for example? Bulls? Other than that I concur with what Charguy says. Firewater is good but plenty of them are out there now and quality on the bull calves is not consistent. Bovine Elite has a good selection of bulls that will put out calves with good EPDs, growth, and maternal traits Keys Allstate, Keys McHenry, Ledger, M6 New Standard etc.) . The only thing Bovine elite is weak on is red factor bulls.
Besides the Firewater line the SVY Freedom line (Gerrard Montezuma is a son) has a history of raising show winners. The Freedoms tend to have more hair and more milk than firewater calves. Beyond that Semex has some bulls that are different but will work as well. I can't recommend a bull unless I know more about the cow.