peta in local news

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the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
wortht repeating,dont understand them.why people gives them any attention is beyond me.Rusty


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
PETA is for people in chains.

again, if PETA had any credibility, they would kill themselves.

amazing that PETA pamela anderson hates her mammaries so much.  sooooo natural.  they should have the same rules for themselves.

fake udder, fake lips, fake brain.

Hofstatter Farms

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
Lowpoint, IL
they are just attention thirsty idiots that don't know half as much as they think they do.  Not peta related, but i did hear about a feedlot in IL getting shut down because a lady that raises horses had fly poop on her house, blamed it on the feedlot. i didn't know that flys are only around beef and hogs. Just shows how dumb people really are.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
knabe said:
PETA is for people in chains.

again, if PETA had any credibility, they would kill themselves.

amazing that PETA pamela anderson hates her mammaries so much.  sooooo natural.  they should have the same rules for themselves.

fake udder, fake lips, fake brain.

hahaha ouch, Score: Knabe: 1
                                  Anderson: nada!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
do not worry about Peta.  the CORPORATIONS (McDonald's)  will never allow them to hurt the cattle industry.  if you want to worry about anything, worry about the CORPORATIONS as they are now being treated like voting Americans in the way they can contribute to politicians.  they are the ones with way too much power and no accountability.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
do not worry about Peta.  the CORPORATIONS (McDonald's)  will never allow them to hurt the cattle industry.  if you want to worry about anything, worry about the CORPORATIONS as they are now being treated like voting Americans in the way they can contribute to politicians.  they are the ones with way too much power and no accountability.

and what's wrong with that?  unions take money and do the same thing, only more so.  unions contribute more money than everyone else.  wake up.  why shouldn't corporations have a larger voice against government unions who only increase their parasitism on the taxpayer.

who will apply cap and trade to unions?  democrats?  no way. 

who will tell the government unions that their pay is being reduced, agencies eliminated (over 500 in california alone) etc etc etc?

there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever that someone who hasn't defended our country should be able to receive ANY retirement money before retirement age.  retirement is for retirement.

course no one will.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

and what's wrong with that?  unions take money and do the same thing, only more so.  unions contribute more money than everyone else.  wake up.  why shouldn't corporations have a larger voice against government unions who only increase their parasitism on the taxpayer.

who will apply cap and trade to unions?  democrats?  no way. 

who will tell the government unions that their pay is being reduced, agencies eliminated (over 500 in california alone) etc etc etc?

there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever that someone who hasn't defended our country should be able to receive ANY retirement money before retirement age.  retirement is for retirement.

course no one will.

the last time I checked, there is absolutely no difference between democrats or republicans...the bailouts started under Bush...right.?  this has been proven to all be a scam....republicrats....anyone that thinks there is has bought into the false right/left paradigm that the mass media wants you to believe.  I suggest you want the film i have below.  If you do not fear corporations, you do not know enough about them.  look into Monsanto. no accountability...hell they want to "patent a pig" (watch: )is this a corporation you feel good about?  they already are suing the common farmer for reusing seeds...putting them out of business...but, you do not fear corporations?

cap and trade is just another tax they want to shove down our throats when global warming is all a hoax..with cooked numbers that were recently exposed in Climategate emails that got out...


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
There is no doubt that ss has problems, but the main point of it is to keep elderly from living in poverty and by that measure it has done extremely well.  It wasn't to long ago that if your parents were unable to work they ended up moving in with their kids, usually rotating between their kid's families every week.  I think most people would gladly pay a little more in taxes than have to worry constantly about their parents and take care of them to the extent that people used to.  That being said, as I stated earlier there are definitely problems that need to be addressed and handled a different way without a doubt.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
the last time I checked, there is absolutely no difference between democrats or republicans..the only difference is who they give our money to, agree

.the bailouts started under Bush...right.? wrong.  roosevelt and the one before him.  you could say even teddy and busting the trusts to "bailout" the common man. "patent a pig" patents run out and you don't have to buy from them.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:
the last time I checked, there is absolutely no difference between democrats or republicans..the only difference is who they give our money to, agree

.the bailouts started under Bush...right.? wrong.  roosevelt and the one before him.  you could say even teddy and busting the trusts to "bailout" the common man. "patent a pig" patents run out and you don't have to buy from them.

The bailouts did start under Bush.  I guess he is still somewhere looking for Bin Laden nowadays.  Anyone that believes that the republicans care more about them than Democrats do not know that they are both on the same side and it is not your side.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hamburgman said:
There is no doubt that ss has problems, but the main point of it is to keep elderly from living in poverty and by that measure it has done extremely well.  It wasn't to long ago that if your parents were unable to work they ended up moving in with their kids, usually rotating between their kid's families every week.  I think most people would gladly pay a little more in taxes than have to worry constantly about their parents and take care of them to the extent that people used to.  That being said, as I stated earlier there are definitely problems that need to be addressed and handled a different way without a doubt.

like means testing for benefits so SS goes to those who need it.  so my cap is ZERO benefit for SS with previous year income of over say 80,000.  you could even make it tiered.  or, you could let people have some of it back like bush wanted, a measly 5% in safe vehicles.  but no, the democrats definitely were different on that.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:
The bailouts did start under Bush. 

you're kidding right?

what planet are you on....bush was in office when they started the bailouts.

Here's the current cost of Bush's Bailouts, courtesy of Reuters. Of course we're far from seeing the end of Bush's bailouts...
A $1.8 Trillion Bailout: Where the Money's Going
The U.S. Treasury Department is working through the weekend with Congress to craft a plan to spend as much as $700 billion to absorb bad mortgages and other assets from bank or other institution balance sheets to keep the financial system from collapsing.
The move comes close on the heels of an $85 billion Federal Reserve rescue of American International Group and the Treasury's takeover of housing finance firms Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Treasury plan, which follows a new federal guarantee for money market fund holdings, would push Washington's potential bailout tab to $1.8 trillion.
Following are details of actions, proposals and amounts:
—Up to $700 billion to buy assets from struggling institutions. The plan is aimed at sopping up residential and commercial mortgages from financial institutions but gives Treasury broad latitude.
—Up to $50 billion from the Great Depression-era Exchange Stabilization Fund to guarantee principal in money market mutual funds to provide the same confidence that consumers have in federally insured bank deposits.
—The Fed committed to make unspecified discount window loans to financial institutions to finance the purchase of assets from money market funds to aid redemptions.
—At least $10 billion in Treasury direct purchases of mortgage-backed securities in September. In doubling the program on Friday, the Treasury said it may purchase even more in the months ahead.
—Up to $144 billion in additional MBS purchases by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.The Treasury announced they would increase purchases up to the newly expanded investment portfolio limits of $850 billion each. On July 30, the Fannie portfolio stood at $758.1 billion with Freddie's at $798.2 billion.
—$85 billion loan for AIG, which would give the Federal government a 79.9 percent stake and avoid a bankruptcy filing for the embattled insurer. AIG management will be dismissed.
—At least $87 billion in repayments to JPMorgan Chasefor providing financing to underpin trades with units of bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers. Paulson said over the weekend he was adamant that public funds not be used to rescue the firm.
—$200 billion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Treasury will inject up to $100 billion into each institution by purchasing preferred stock to shore up their capital as needed. The deal puts the two housing finance firms under government control.
—$300 billion for the Federal Housing Administration to refinance failing mortgage into new, reduced-principal loans with a federal guarantee, passed as part of a broad housing rescue bill.
—$4 billion in grants to local communities to help them buy and repair homes abandoned due to mortgage foreclosures.
—$29 billion in financing for JPMorgan Chase's government-brokered buyout of Bear Stearns in March. The Fed agreed to take $30 billion in questionable Bear assets as collateral, making JPMorgan liable for the first $1 billion in losses, while agreeing to shoulder any further losses.
—At least $200 billion of currently outstanding loans to banks issued through the Fed's Term Auction Facility, which was recently expanded to allow for longer loans of 84 days alongside the previous 28-day credits.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
According to the watchdog overseeing the federal government’s financial bailout program, the full exposure since 2007 amounts to a whopping $23.7 trillion dollars, or $80,000 for every American citizen.
The last time we were able to get a measure of the total cost of the bailout, it stood at around $8.5 trillion dollars. Eight months down the line and that figure has almost tripled.
The $23.7 trillion figure comprises “about 50 initiatives and programs set up by the Bush and Obama administrations as well as by the Federal Reserve,” according to the Associated Press.
In testimony which will be delivered to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee tomorrow, Neil Barofsky, the inspector general for the TARP, will tell Congress that “the Treasury Department has repeatedly failed to adopt recommendations aimed at making the TARP program more accountable and transparent.”
According to Barofsky, taxpayers are in the dark as to who has received the money and what they are doing with it.
As we have repeatedly highlighted, the destination of some $2 trillion in TARP funds was the subject of a lawsuit filed by Bloomberg late last year after the Fed refused to disclose the recipients. The suit is still ongoing as Bloomberg attempts to discover names of private financial institutions that received the money.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
cotullaguy I like some of your style.  Wondering what you think of all of our military spending?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
you might like the bohemian club if you like conspiracy's.

seriously, roosevelt way out did these guys.  might read a little more history.

here's one.

most people don't know there was a severe recession/depression a decade or two before the "great" depression (the great bailout) and what was done to avoid it.

what was done was to allow prices to adjust to their real value.

i'm not a bush fan, but obama is bush on steroids.

the list of progressives for me is wilson, teddy, FDR, johnson, carter, bush I, bush II, clinton, obama (who wants to outdo them all combined, remember he said FDR's policies were not big enough)  obama also said energy should necessarily skyrocket.  i guess that's ok with you.

why anyone would allow a tax exemption for property tax, interest on a home loan, points etc, and THEN allow less than 20% down on a house is ridiculous.  both sides did it and playing favorites during the reallocation of assets is tyranny.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
you might like the bohemian club if you like conspiracy's.

why anyone would allow a tax exemption for property tax, interest on a home loan, points etc, and THEN allow less than 20% down on a house is ridiculous.  both sides did it and playing favorites during the reallocation of assets is tyranny.

Knabe,  the reason we are such bad shape economically now is not due to the home loans...that has nothing to do with it at all.the banksters wanted to steal the real estate and they did...(keep in mind it is not legal for any foreclosure as the banks put up nothing to get the property, it was fiat money and not a legal contract) is the Derivatives caused by all of the stock houses that lost causing the crash etc. ..that is the problem...yet on tv they will tell you over and over it was yours and my avoid pitchforks in the street....i have told you over and over on this thread they sold out every one of us to the tune of $80,000 each to the international bankers...the wars are for the same people...carlyle group etc..Government me a video of a plane hitting the pentagon..why have over 1000 architects and engineers, 120 pilots, 343 fireman now signed petitions and asked for a new investigation into 9/11 and why is the media so afraid of it? call this conspiracy because it is a very deep rabbit hole, I call it evidence.  if you want to slam me, then I only ask you back it up with some facts.    one of our greatest congressman was James Traficant from ohio....he took on the corruption in washington and what happened to him when he started exposing folks...7 years in prison on a white wash....mass media lies and wants you to buy the right/left does not exist...the democrats and republicans both are not working on your behalf...they work for the banksters on wall street....