OMG... cotullaguy, I think you need to get your Kool Aid tested, or at least limit how much that you drink of it. I cannot even imagine how screwed up your brain waves must be if you truly think that Bin Laden was not responsible for what happened on 9-11. I suppose you also think the CIA is responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile? I bet you also check under your bed before you go to sleep just to make sure the government hasn't bugged your house.
I know there are lots of conspriracy theorists out there, but I never really ever thought we would have one on them on this site. Come to think about it, I bet the CIA is responsible for these defects that are showing up in every breed. Now it makes sense! They are trying to keep American farmers on their knees. How did I not figure this out before now. .... Give me a break!
For God's sake wake up and smell the coffee.
In regards to your comments about the troops in Irag, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, just what do you think should have been done when the towers were destroyed and the thousands of innocent lives were lost. War is never pretty and it is never fair, but from time to time, it is justified. The US and it's allies have taken a stand for freedom and against anarchy. All I can say is " Good Bless America" and thank God we have some who will give their lives to defend the freedoms we enjoy. Your comments about the "banksters" causing the collapse of the economy simply because they wanted to own homes and property, is so bizarre, I hate to waste time commenting on it. Totally absurd thinking my friend. Totally........
it is bizarre to you as you have no idea what is going on. i said nothing about haiti or chile...you did...i asked a simple questions about OKC. why is it wrong for Americans that have family that has died defending their country question the government? I thought that is what Thomas jefferson wanted us to do...you on the other hand, think it is un patriotic to question anything our government does...
1060 architects and engineers know less about the WTC collapses than you? they have put their names on a petition for a new investigation here:
80 firefighters have now signed a petition for a new investigation into 9/11:
100 plus pilots from around the world want a new investigation see here:
Military members that want a new investigation:
and you attack me. questions these guys and why you never hear about it on the nightly news.
just because I am a rancher does not mean I cannot think on my own. I am sorry it bothers your comfort zone.