Pharo Philosophies

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
We are south of Cheyenne Wells and tried using those small framed cattle. We had to get rid of them because the prairie dogs kept carrying them off to have bbq's. <beer>


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
MCC said:
We are south of Cheyenne Wells and tried using those small framed cattle. We had to get rid of them because the prairie dogs kept carrying them off to have bbq's. <beer>

my gut popped on that one..  you ever been on comedy central?

hey btw, when those pudgy legged things got stuck in the PD holes, did they just lay there, down to the axles, legs a swingin?  you know, cuz they couldn't reach the ground to climb out? 


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
aj said:
I wouldn't be surprised if he was a colored communist jew with a Mormon mother. And I might point out that herd quitter spelled backwards is rettiuq derh. Be afraid....very afraid. His propaganda is ruining the lives of every unsuspecting goofball cattle everywhere. HE MUST BE STOPPED. We must ban together and STOP HIM. I plead with everybody. Once this kind of Hindouism gets a camels nose under the tent a slippery slope will slide into hell as we know it and then Shazam. They pull MASH off tv? Thats what keeps me up at night! Ban together who out thy brother hood of performance elite race and overcome. OVERCOME I sayeth. Light the fires and grab thy three prong pitch forks. Do it for mother earth and country.  CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEE!

aj, are you related to Charlie Sheen or Gadhafi because sometimes your rants sure remind me of them.


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
Hay Springs, Nebraska
Doc said:
aj said:
I wouldn't be surprised if he was a colored communist jew with a Mormon mother. And I might point out that herd quitter spelled backwards is rettiuq derh. Be afraid....very afraid. His propaganda is ruining the lives of every unsuspecting goofball cattle everywhere. HE MUST BE STOPPED. We must ban together and STOP HIM. I plead with everybody. Once this kind of Hindouism gets a camels nose under the tent a slippery slope will slide into hell as we know it and then Shazam. They pull MASH off tv? Thats what keeps me up at night! Ban together who out thy brother hood of performance elite race and overcome. OVERCOME I sayeth. Light the fires and grab thy three prong pitch forks. Do it for mother earth and country.  CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEE!

aj, are you related to Charlie Sheen or Gadhafi because sometimes your rants sure remind me of them.
(pop) ;D(lol)this is killin me man! STOP THE INSANITY


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I spent some time behind a windshield today hauling bales in for a potential blizzard and did some thinking about performance testing. I always considered performance a very honorable deal. I think it caught hold in the 1960's. It was the first common sense deal of measuring profitability in the USA. Local extension agents had scales that they would take out to every cow herd and they would weigh the calves. Indexes were discussed. It was a major victory. Barry Jordan stopped by my Denver pens and he talked about about the movement. That was important to me for him to stop by cause he was a leader in this movement. My dad was friend with Bob Dickenson and went to K-State with Bob. He was I think president of the Simmental association way back when. He was one of the first performance testing people. Back then performance testing was beef improvement tool not a marketing tool. Bob was a a hero of mine. He won some BIF awards. His son still has a great multibreed herd of seedstock and was a CCC graduate. My dad is a 160 # 75 year old man that I am scared to death of. I''m 290# and once ran a 4.9 40 in shorts and helment. Dad played baseball with Tiger Woods father back when Earl and the other 5 blacks took some meals out behind the restaurant. Anyway i got to wondering why performance testing has kind of soured for me the last 10 years or so. I guess it is because EPDS and performance testing has become a marketing tool and not a improvement tool. My dad tags 120 baby calves ayear and id's them. He only got knocked twice last year. The Red Angus breed became a hero breed of mine cause they didn't show cattle. They had a mandatory testing program and they didn't show cattle. They didn't weigh cattle to get propaganda they weighed cattle to obtain information to improve cattle. I think history is important. I didn't have showring experiences with my family I did experience building fence on dads first section of grass. The one year the windmill went up. Blizzards on and on. Not sure it had a damn thing to do with showing cattle. I will say if a big money guy comes into a breed and starts messing with performance figures it pisses me off. That stuff to me should be honest stuff and know breed size determines alot of accuracy. I was both scolded and commended for not aging bulls in the pen bull deal in Denver this year. If you are in a breed that lies on birth dates there is no way in hell that performance data is worth the paper it is printed on. Why even pretend that your cattle are significant in the beef industry when cattle are aged? If I aged cattle.....showed them them in a suppossedly commerially orientated pen show in Denver and then bragged about leading yearling epds in the upcoming sale catalog I would stick a gun in my mouth and end it there. Performance data should mean something. If 60% of a breed ages cattle what the hell does that do to epds. It is a joke. If you have such a low self worth that you have to win a ribbon to think highly of yourself it says alot about people. If you are a maternal breed and you do not have a stayability measurement you are a joke as a breed. You are a joke. You are showring breed. You are a joke and you are a showring breed. Period. Color it up and embryo transplant little susies 4-h heifer but you are a joke in the industry. A maternal breed should have a stayability measurement. There is no way in hell we can compete against a breed like the Red Angus breed that has mandatory performance requirements. You can zip and yap and show cattle and age cattle and it really doesn't matter as far as the industry is concerned. It blows my mind that some uppitty Shorthorn breeder that is a maternal breed that doesn't have a stayability measurement can sit back and blast Kit pharo. It is fun to debate and show cattle. The faces seldom change. I apologize in advance and I sure I am banned and whatnot but Damn.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
And doc. Why are you afraid to reveal your name. My name is Craig Hoyt. Are you a coward?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wonder if the blizzard will have some effect on us down here in Texas?

Integrating the showring with the tough real world cattle industry? Why? Everyone one needs to have a little fun. Besides it gives us something to complain about and reminds us we don't make a very good God.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Telos I doubt it will go that far south. I'm just saying if you shoot your mouth off on here why not leave a name.The Shorthorn breed is a great breed of cattle. I just hate to see it dominated by the hobby people. If you show cattle that is great. That is special. take videos and photos and whatever. It will keep your kids off drugs. halleluhya. Just call a spade a spade.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I think showing cattle is a great thing. It gets stinky when folks do anything just to win.

From a outsider looking in. I will never understand why there is such a difference and a rift between the two.

Pharo cattle fill a need for some folks obviously. I get offended when the whole religion thing comes up with him and if you dont agree your damned. God dont care whos cows are better last time I checked.
We all get lost in trying to pee the highest on the fire hydrant sometimes no matter how righteous we may claim to be.

aj, Charlie Daniels is also on my ipod :)


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Oh yeah IMO, when you lie about your cattles age, it will prove itself out over time. Why anybody wants to do that is beyond me. You only cheat yourself, customers, and the breed. other than that its no big deal. I dont mind buying a bull with a 850 lb ww that will sire calves that come off the cow pushing 500. ::)


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
If you believe for an instant the the data turned into the Red Angus Association of America is all factual, you are severely mistaken. Where ever there is money to be made by turning in "fluffed" data, there will be people that do so. It is documented in our breed as well as most others. I know of atleast 2 past national directors that were quite adept at manipulating the number systems. Now granted, I've only worked in this breed for 30 years and raised them for 20 years, but to even think that our "numbers" are all accurate and untampered is simply foolish. RW


Active member
Mar 26, 2010
I have it figured out, ready,  " Adjusted birth date"!  It can be like these other made up numbers, put a big word in front of birth date, then tell people there is a long, drawn-out formula used that takes into account... well you know how it goes!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
QMC said:
I have it figured out, ready,  " Adjusted birth date"!  It can be like these other made up numbers, put a big word in front of birth date, then tell people there is a long, drawn-out formula used that takes into account... well you know how it goes!

i dare any association to supply raw data if requested to see if the data fits a normal distribution.  the removal of outliers from data is fraud.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
adjusted anything is fraud in my book.  If your calving season isn't short enough to make everyone be within 50 days of the target age, either 205 or 365 day measurements then you need to become a better cattleman


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
aj said:
And doc. Why are you afraid to reveal your name. My name is Craig Hoyt. Are you a coward?

Didn't know I was. If you will look at several posts I have made over the years , you will see I have posted my name & phone number. But because you have overlooked it, my name is Mike Davis & my phone number is 615-202-7106. What am I supposed to be scared of?
If you think that the Red Angus has really going on compared to the Shorthorn breed, then why don't you sell your Shorties & replace them with RA's. I'm sure Road Warrior could help you buy some at the upcoming sales he's going to be at.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
Well Mike Davis...glad to know you. I hear you are calling me out. (clapping)

if you're looking for a date, i'm first.  i'm sure i could learn to not be able to quit you.