I would vote professional as well for a number of reasons. The first being that there is more to your website than what you see on the surface. A professionally built website is coded so that invididual parts link to a list of formats that tell all the website how to act, making it faster loading and making it behave in all browsers. In a non-professionally built website, the code that describes an individual part (the color of your font, for example) is embedded in each part. This means that, for every piece of font that is loaded, the computer has to 'check' on what color it should be, making it slower loading. This can also 'confuse' browsers so that the browser interprets the website in a way it was not intended to look...
Another large reason to get your website professionally done is something called Search Engine Optimization. If you type 'club calves' into a search engine, you want to make sure your website comes up. Most home-made websites are not search engine optimized, meaning you will generally only get traffic from a search engine if the person searching already knows the name of your farm. This limits your market to people who already know about you, instead of getting visitors that DON'T know about you but might be interested in your product.
As far as the look goes, the biggest names in the business generally have a professionally designed website. I would say that speaks volumes about sales generated by having a particular look. You want a website that portrays your 'brand' exactly the way you want to be seen. I would say that a site advertising club calves should look ALOT different from a site advertising purebred angus bulls - they have two entirely different target markets. A professional should be able to figure out your audience and build a site that appeals to the people that are going to spend money at your house.
That being said, there are some "professionals" that don't do these things well either - so its best to choose your professionals carefully!!!