I'm curious what this site is about? Is it for people to pass on creative ideas they have learned or came up with to make things easier on others. Is it for experienced people to help the inexperienced/novice with problems they might have in their cattle. Is it for big ranches and cattlemen to talk to one another and look down at someone with 2-8 head. I look at alllll these posts. I look at how many views there are on a post and how many actual replies. Someone asks about feed and there are 270 views with no replies. Are people are on the net just viewing a cattle forum that know nothing about cattle? Someone posts about Cliven Bundy and there are 5240 views with 128 replies. Post about a steer off feed and water 220 views and 1 reply. My 15 y/o daughter took the initiative to get on here and ask a few questions about her 4-H steer w bare response if any. We are just piss ants with 2 $1100.00 show calves. I was just curious to what the site is really about, might have gotten the wrong idea when I joined. To the one or two who responded to her concerns Thanks.