Boomer, the full brother to sooner, is owned by Bushy Park Farms. Semen is now available through cattlevisions @ 30 a unit. Bushy park has some sons pictured on their website. I have not seen a picture of Sooner, but they have a photo of Boomer on their Herd sires page. Just from pictures alone the boomers don't have quite as much volume and thickness. But I haven't seen any in person so I my observations aren't worth much. GVC Maverick is a sooner son that seems to be siring thick bulls and broody heifers, but again this is from studying pictures. I have a Maverick coming at the end of the month. Green Valley has a couple other Sooner sons that they use as well. Dennis Garwood runs GVC and is a super nice guy to talk to. I have some special delivery calves and I think his females are going to be excellent. Another sooner son that has peaked my interest is GCC Merger. Merger sired some really strong females in their sale, lot 1 brought 39K. Merger is also available through cattlevisons, and you can check out progeny pics on Griswolds website. Knabe is a regular contributor to Steerplanet and claims the sooner females have very little milk. I don't know from personal experience, and I have not asked anybody that has used him. Boomer semen was pretty expensive until recently so I went with Maverick. I felt like maverick is backed by the kind of productive females that I would like to have in my herd.