afhm said:
Mark slow down and type/spell better so your rants are easier to read. I don't care how poor or rich a nation is if they don't help us in our times of need or support us by importing a great deal of American made products then they don't need or deserve our help. Evidently you forgot all of the media pics and footage of so many foreign coutries cheering at our misfortune on 9/11 or chose to turn a blind eye to it. If we cut out all of this foreign aid b.s. we could wipe out the national debt and really help our own. Oh by the way how did cuba get into this discussion?
If I recall, I didn't hear about any other countries sending help on 9/11. I totally agree that we should take care of our on.
This is a quote off a cereal box.
Kellogg is helping feed America
Over 36 million Americans are struggling with hunger, and food banks across the country are challenged to keep up with rising demand.
Every year Kellogg Company donates over 22 million pounds of food to Feeding America, the nation's leading hunger-relief organization.
Due to the rising demand for cereal at food banks around the country, in June 2009, Kellogg Company donated one day's worth of cereal production equaling over 55 million servings of cereal.
To learn more about how you can get more involved and help raise funds to fight hunger in the U.S., please visit
This is very sad that a company has to do this. It's a sad that own Government can't take care of our on.
This is not a DEM / REP thing, This is a AMERICA thing.
It is a very sad thing that happened in Haiti. To change the subject a little, Look how long we have been sending aid to Africa and nothing has changed.