X-Bar you crack me up, breed the cattle you want to breed, follow your ideals and let the rest go about raising cattle the way they feel is right for them, Sim-Angus sell pretty well all over, infact there are some people who have made good money on that cross.
Travel around some other states and look at the junk people run with their cows, how does one get consistency from a cow herd when they run what looks like Angus, Hereford, along with some eared bulls all in the same pasture full of cows, that look like a box of crayons. It must work because they have looked that way for the past 20 years.
As far as the bull goes, I'd like to see an updated picture of him, he does have some power to him. Run him on some Durham cows and you could get some powerful red showcalves out of him.