Republicans Explain this Video

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
My father in law had a tape in the early 80's about the Clinton's envolved in the killings of two teenage boys that witnessed planes flying in and drug deals in ark.  AS my husband always says, why would anyone want the job as president for no more than the job pays!  Because our government is ran by the mafia, there are alot of under the table deals being made.  It's like it is with the cattle shows, certain people are always in the winners circle and it's not because of i'ts the best animal either.  This whole world is about money, if your in with the crooks you get ahead.  They don't care about us working people.  I'am to the point that every president that we have ever had has a skelton inhis closet.  And this is suppose to be the highest honor in our country!  I have not got alot of faith in our government at this time.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
irh said:
I'am to the point that every president that we have ever had has a skelton inhis closet. 

everyone has a closet and the only issue is the size of the skeleton.  that's why the constitution was made to decentralize power, but all we have done since then is consolidate it.

the founders had skeletons in their closets as well.  what is most amazing to me is how young most of them were when the decided decentralization was key and not consolidation.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Welcome to politics-I agree with you-and I also have to give credit where credit is due-Obama is getting blamed for everything including the weather-but he still  aint backing down-and actually has gotten quite a bit of bail money back-among other things.This deal was in a free fall when he took office-credit where credit is due O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
mark tenenbaum said:
Welcome to politics-I agree with you-and I also have to give credit where credit is due-Obama is getting blamed for everything including the weather-but he still  aint backing down-and actually has gotten quite a bit of bail money back-among other things.This deal was in a free fall when he took office-credit where credit is due O0

please cite specific references.  hopefully you aren't talking about GM.

also, some of the money returned from banks was because they were forced to take the money in the first place to hide which banks were in trouble.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Rather than cite referances-I think its pretty clear that due to alot of influnces-war,realestate bubble,juggling a weak currancy to suck China in-and on and on-that the crash really began in earnest--in mid 2006,and 2008 was a pretty bleak year,at best.The rumblings are allways there. I dont think a whole lot got hidden as far a banks in trouble-and there appears to be another round of scrutiny coming-where some entities dont get bailed-and some financial people are gonna be up the creek. Then people will say the govt is taking too much control-socialistic etc. Eventually they will dig up something on Obama-(they already got the Clintons) so meanwhile hes doing what he can within the confines of law,partinsenship,and world changing problems that took years to appear,and will take years to remove. This is basic surface info.-and clearly there is allways a mass of intelligence the public wont see for political -security reasons or the conglomeration with greed and power that define politics. O0

May Cattle Co

Active member
Jan 18, 2010
Canyon, TX
cotullaguy said:
BIGTEX said:
cotullaguy said:
I still have not one explanation of this video from a Republican.  (clapping)
Really? How about he had so much going on is it possible he misspoke? My family knows the Bush family and George W. He is a man that if you shake on something it is as good as gold.He did have his downfalls and I didn't agree with everything he did, but he did things because he thought it was the right thing to do for the country! Not just a certain group of Americans.

Or maybe he and the American government did the bombings themselves.

My grandmother went to school with LBJ.  Everything I know about him is he was a murderer here in Texas.  Ties to Billy Sol Estes and a convicted murderer on his payroll Malcolm Wallace.  Robert Kennedy was on to LBJ and his Sol Estes connections including murder of a USDA agent Henry Marshall whom was investigating Estes which would have led directly to LBJ. He had a mistress named Madeline Brown who wrote a tell all book before she died called "Texas in the Morning" (I have an autographed copy).  She claimed LBJ, Hoover, and many others met the night before JFK was murdered in Dallas and he told her that the Kennedy's would never embarrass him again.

I have family that live in Midland.  The Bush Family is no different than the Clinton family or the LBJ family.  Bush was a raging alcoholic. The Bush's and Clintons know each other very well prior to Clinton becoming President.  They ran the drug ring that funded the Contras in Nicaragua out of Mena, Arkansas.  We all remember the Contra Hearings in the 80's. This is widely known.  What is not widely known is the rumors of George Jr.  being a homosexual.  Do a google search on google for "Jeff Gannon".  On George Sr. do a search on "Franklin Prostitution Ring".  These are not the people that most think they are.

I know most will think I am nuts so google this info and see for yourself.  Once you do that, ask yourself if they could murder Americans for money.

Google? Really, how can you base your facts off a website that is un moderated, allowing anyone to post view points that could be fabricated. Google can not be cited in any academic or research journals due to the lack of moderation and credibility. If this is the source of your facts, its no wonder they are so obsurd.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

Google? Really, how can you base your facts off a website that is un moderated, allowing anyone to post view points that could be fabricated. Google can not be cited in any academic or research journals due to the lack of moderation and credibility. If this is the source of your facts, its no wonder they are so obsurd.

Which fact do you not agree with?  The Jeff Gannon one is documented by his visits and overnight stays at the White House.  This is widely known but just not something ever spoken on mass media.  LBJ being a murderer?  Well documented he had Malcolm Wallace on payroll. 

Just because something hurts your belief system about the former president does not make it untrue.  do you own research.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
May Cattle Co said:
You can make a conspiracy theory out of anything if you use your imagination and reach far enough.

that is your only response to the video? 

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?" - Morpheus (The Matrix)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
hs1541 said:
There are plenty of forums to discuss  this stuff it doesn't belong here!!!
The point is mass media lies. Aj blamed the "crash" on democrats.  Well both parties lie cheat and steal while mass media covers up  and people believe them.  If believe mass media, you are getting what you ask for. Do not complain.


Mar 14, 2010
Houston, Texas
great whatever you say or believe I was just under the assumption that this was a cattle forum . My mistake I guess???


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
The point is mass media lies.

mass media doesn't lie.  it sells advertising.  

there is plenty of information out there.

one can start at who predicted the housing crisis and why years ago.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:
The point is mass media lies.

mass media doesn't lie.  it sells advertising.  

there is plenty of information out there.

one can start at who predicted the housing crisis and why years ago.

Glad to hear you trust mass media for your information.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
after you convict everyone in government, what is your plan?

We have a constitution.  You and I grew up believing in this country.  I still do and know you do as well.  At some point, we will owe it to our forefathers to stand up against this.  I believe the only way to win is with numbers.  The Tea Party represents a lot of people that are sick of this.  So does the truth movement etc.  They are all sick of the lies and treason being done to the American people.  Of course both the Tea Partiers and Truthers are ridiculed by mass media.

I am only one person.  I consider people on this particular board to be from the same background as myself. Good honest and hardworking people.  I also know that there are many people on this board that know what is going on but do not want to say anything for fear they will be ridiculed as I have been. 

Thus, my plan will never be implemented without first waking up the masses to the mess we are in.  But, once this happens, we have a lot of work to do.

1) Prosecute all politicians for treason that have been involved in illegal activity.  Their own words will convict most for their blatant lies.  Yes, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike.

2) Remove all illegal aliens from our country. 

3) End the Federal Reserve and do a final audit to see how many need to be put in the cell with Madoff

4) cut off all foreign aid

5) audit the treasury with an independent board

6) bring all troops home

7) reinvestigate 9/11 with independent scientists, engineers, forensics experts, etc. from around the world to bring a close to that chapter in our history

8) remove all dual citizens from the federal government and outlaw this activity

9) Eliminate the IRS and replace it with a national sales tax (by ending the fed you will see money go to real projects here in the usa)
People should know that the Personal Income Tax is illegal to begin with but most do not.  There is no law that supports it.

These are few things that would be in my plans.  I can go on and on but these are some major ideas.

What would you do?