Republicans Explain this Video

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carl s.

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2009
AJ telling people not to feed the trolls.

I can now die.

I have seen everything.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2009
Hillsboro, Ohio
Did not read all the posts but I'm pretty sure I seen video of the planes hitting the day it happened. The video is wrong. 


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
SHAGGY said:
Did not read all the posts but I'm pretty sure I seen video of the planes hitting the day it happened. The video is wrong. 


you missed the point.  he lied about seeing the first plane hit the first building on the first day and thus knew when he went into the school we had one plane hit the wtc towers.  but it was impossible for him to have seen the first plane since that video was not shown/released till the next day. 

but, you bring up the planes hitting the buildings.  I do not doubt that, but check into Building 7 as it was never hit by a plane that day and still fell at free fall speed.  1100 Architects and Engineers have now signed a petition stating building 7 collapse was an impossibility without demolitions.  choose to believe whoever you want but I follow evidence and believe the architects personally.

Here are their names:

here is a clip of BBC announcing the collapse of WTC7 before it had collapsed:


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Collullaguy sent me a PM a few days ago, in which he said I was making stupid remarks. He requested that I watch a video about the so called truth about what actually happened with 911. I am a Canadian, but 911 affected me and my country. It maybe didn't affect me in the same manner as it did my friends in the US and all the American people, but it did change my life and others in Canada forever( as it did all Americans).

I waited to watch this video until I got home from delivering bulls to the Midwest US. Since I have got back, I have watched this video twice. If this video was supposed to change my opinion about the events of 911, I am very sorry. I found this video to be totally bizarre to say the least. It answers no questions about 911. It has been skillfully crafted with a underlying political tone. I find it to be a subtle attack on the American people. I  will also say that I was insulted by it.

I guess I will never understand what makes people like cotullaguy and those who think like him, tick. I expect people like this, do not trust anyone on earth, including members of their own family. I expect they see conspiracy around every corner.

I do not know all the answers but I do have a little faith in our leaders. I do not think they tell the general public the full truth all the time. There is such a thing as national security. Sorry cotullaguy, it is going to take a fair bit more to convince me. This video quite frankly sucks.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
justintime said:
Collullaguy sent me a PM a few days ago, in which he said I was making stupid remarks. He requested that I watch a video about the so called truth about what actually happened with 911. I am a Canadian, but 911 affected me and my country. It maybe didn't affect me in the same manner as it did my friends in the US and all the American people, but it did change my life and others in Canada forever( as it did all Americans).

I waited to watch this video until I got home from delivering bulls to the Midwest US. Since I have got back, I have watched this video twice. If this video was supposed to change my opinion about the events of 911, I am very sorry. I found this video to be totally bizarre to say the least. It answers no questions about 911. It has been skillfully crafted with a underlying political tone. I find it to be a subtle attack on the American people. I  will also say that I was insulted by it.

I guess I will never understand what makes people like cotullaguy and those who think like him, tick. I expect people like this, do not trust anyone on earth, including members of their own family. I expect they see conspiracy around every corner.

I do not know all the answers but I do have a little faith in our leaders. I do not think they tell the general public the full truth all the time. There is such a thing as national security. Sorry cotullaguy, it is going to take a fair bit more to convince me. This video quite frankly sucks.


I want to commend you for watching the video.  If it did not convince you of anything you at least looked at it.  But I find it somewhat hard to understand you would attack me rather than the video or the info as you did not say one thing that you challenge from the video.  Maybe you just did not like being face with the facts for the first time? 

I do trust people.  I have a loving family and am very close to them.  I also trust the American people but this is not about me and I did not do the video only pointed you to it.  I believe that if people knew what was going  we could effect change.  I think the video you watched was "Blueprint for 9/11 Truth" on youtube.  That info there is technical info.  But we now have 1194 Architects and Engineers that have signed the petition based on the info you found worthless. 

The evidence against the government story is technical evidence dealing with the collapse of the wtc towers.  I am surprised you do not find it at least suspicious that building 7, which was not hit by a plane, would fall at free fall speed, no resistance, even though it was not hit by a plane.  But, I guess you may know something that the 1194 Architects and Engineers do not get. I would love to hear it.  I am sure it would be enlightening.

Some day this scam will be exposed fully and many people are going to feel pretty foolish.  According to  new polls, 33% of Americans now question the government story on 9/11. I am not alone.

See their names here:

for others that want to see if this video does not prove anything, have a shot at it here:



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
  But I find it somewhat hard to understand you would attack me rather than the video or the info as you did not say one thing that you challenge from the video. 

quit playing the victim.  you have called plenty of people idiots and other things.  it's not helping your cause.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
If I look long enough I could find a survey that shows that carrots cause cancer. After all, 99.9% of the people who die from cancer have eaten carrots in their life. The speaker in this video reports a bunch of polls. That to me, suggests nothing. A list of names who question the governments account of 911 doesn't mean anything to me. If you want to see a list of names of people who support the government account, I can probably supply one. If there are 1194 architects and engineers who have signed this petition, this probably means there are a  few thousand more who do not believe this theory.

There are unanswered questions to either side of this issue. There may be very good reasons the entire story was not released to the public. There may well have been bombs involved, but that does not suggest that this was a terrorist attack and an attack against America as well as the entire free world. With this thought in mind, I find to quite hard to understand what significance the exact details of how this attack took place, would matter.Rather than fighting the people who help protect our freedoms, why don't you use as much energy to fight those who want to destroy these same freedoms.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
justintime said:
Rather than fighting the people who help protect our freedoms, why don't you use as much energy to fight those who want to destroy these same freedoms.

because he thinks they are being used as a ruse and were in essence created by the cia against russia. 

on the other hand, everyone should read the qu'ran.  if you think the laws we have now are convoluted, wait till you read the qu'ran. 

i really found out about islam in grad school when i had a muslim office mate from indonesia.  i read his qu'ran and was disgusted and outraged how a muslim country could rationalize sending people here to be educated until i understood the passage it's ok to lie to the infidel.  the entire qu'ran is based on discrimination.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

quit playing the victim.  you have called plenty of people idiots and other things.  it's not helping your cause.


I did not call him an idiot.  I just wanted him to challenge the video if he really watched it.  He still has not done that.  He did attack me on the other hand as that is much easier to do.


Active member
Sep 18, 2008
I've really tried to refrain from commenting on these posts.  In the past, it was not unusual to see one of these political topics come up on here every couple of weeks.  I think it's totally out of control now.  This is not the CNN/Fox political debate web forum.  There are plenty of them out there in cyberspace if you wish to post and discuss topics such as this.

I am afraid that some of us on this board suffer from the "me against them mentality."  In their mind, there is a conspiracy around every corner.  The man is keeping them down, the government is evil.  They miss no opportunity to stir the pot.  It seems their sole purpose on this board is to create controversy.  The subject matter of their mindless chatter has moved from popular bulls and their owners to this political nonsense.

I love the cattle business.  I love the hard work and little pay it produces.  I enjoy nothing more than talking cattle with those in the industry.  I am thankful that the Sullivans and Lautners are still approachable and willing to talk cattle with the unknowns of this business.  You see the passion when you speak with them.  I think it's time we quit stirring the pot and got back to the basis of this board.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:

I did not call him an idiot.  I just wanted him to challenge the video if he really watched it.  He still has not done that.  He did attack me on the other hand as that is much easier to do.

it's enough to say one is making stupid remarks, and your comments regarding aj is enough to lump everyone together in some's eyes.  when you make remarks "he still has not done that", what do you think this is, a court of law?  you are attacking people whether you choose to believe it or not.  you are attacking people when you say if they don't figure out a video to your satisfaction that they are responsible for killing americans like you did with me, or whatever link you want to use. 



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
Woody said:
Cotullaguy, what were you lookin to accomplish with this?  Whats next, religion?
If I offended anyone, I apologize. I did not mean to.

The point is that neither party is working on our behalf and All mass media lies and deceives. 

There were repeated posts blaming dems for everything but it was same under rep. There is no right/left paradigm. It is made up so the public  is forced to pick sides as many have done here.