husker1 said:
I've always felt that I'm pretty open-minded for the most part...but I can't go for names like this. Just not right.
ITA Husker! I chose to raise my kids in a "clean" environment; we do not cuss, cheat, lie or steal. We are very active in our church, and live that lifestyle. God comes first in our house. My children would never know what a reverse cowboy was, nor did I until this thread. This is because we live that lifestyle. If they heard something like that at school, they would honestly just walk away and think "how immature". My daughter would love to register one of her heifers or steers "Hoof Heart-ed" (say it really fast), but would never really do it because of her morals she has been raised with! Fun to talk about, but our ranch name is attached to that animal forever... enough said